Actually FOR ME it was never personal...and I'm sure he is a nice guy..and of course everybody has an opinion...BUT when you are reviewing something and giving a recommendation in a highly visible public source in which many people RELY on these suggestions when considering buying a the very minimum you should have an understanding of what you are giving advice on....and it was clear that he didn't understand the basic concept of the quad what started out for me as a mere clarification has ended up as a pissing match with other members over there.....and for my part I could care less if they want to trash me...but it's unfair for them to negatively influence the recommendation of an excellent disc for petty far as learning goes...I learn something on here almost everyday...but there is a time and a place for this learning to should be done PRIOR to making a public judgement on a title...
I normally wouldn't be this sensitive about a title...but this is one that is in the early stages of sales and something like this could certainly negatively impact the sales growth of this disc and quite frankly we(people who love hi rez products)need the good one's to be given recognition that hopefully translates to sales...and if a big name like the Doors can't make a big impact in sales....what does that say about the future of these discs...
Gosh, I wasn't aware that anyone was trashing you or AF's Best of the Doors release over there. Sorry to hear that. I guess I didn't follow the discussion closely enough. I know some reviews and/or comments weren't 100% positive. Some people noticed some things they didn't like about the sound, but I didn't read any scathing reviews. In fact, the most critical comment I read about it was here on QQ. And looking at the number of people who found the reviews on for the Best of the Doors helpful, your review actually got more positive feedback.
But, I agree with you that these smaller labels which are making an effort to release 4.0 and 5.1 recordings need all the help and support they can get. Multichannel recordings are very much a niche market. It drives me crazy to see all the fuss about "new" downloads for old Van Halen, Iron Maiden albums that are going for $25 an album...and often have terrible DR scores. The real kicker is that most people already have this music...often in multiple versions.
And... All the while labels such as BIS, Channel Classics, Harmonia Mundi, Chandos, Challenge Classics, Dacapo, Coviello, Arts Music, TACET, 2L, Ars Produktion, Myrios, Farao, Linn, PentaTone, MDG, NAXOS, CPO, NEOS, Aeolus, Alba, Alia Vox, Lawo, Oehms, Sono Luminous, just to name a few... are being ignored as they lay out big money to produce new Multichannel surround recordings and employ many hard working musicians, composers/songwriters, recording engineers, etc... and of course bring wonderful pieces of new music to the world.
So, when I think about all these people who are working hard, trying to make a living out of bringing our "hobby" to life, I feel it might be a good idea for us fans of multichannel recordings to stick together and accentuate the positive.