I haven't given a listen yet. What do you mean by "arse-about-face"? Swapped channels?
Those are Brad Miller projects I believe. Would love to have digital transfers of those - said the big train fans.
Is that the guy that recorded some of the quad sound effects used on DSOTM? Isn't there a quad sound effects tape/record with some of those sounds?
I think only one of these (train - thunderstorm) made it onto DTS CD, were there others?
There was a Train Sound Effects DTS CD (Steel Rails Under Thundering Skies) plus some train effects on his DTS Sound Sampler (Surround Sound for the Millennium) - both on his 5.1 Entertainment label.
My most recent score was a Billy Joel 'Piano Man' Q8.... The Q8 is a bit hissy.
My most recent score was a Billy Joel 'Piano Man' Q8. I've recorded it in and am in the process of cleaning it up to send off for converting.
Aren't they all?