What's your latest earworm???


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I have to ask....why did you think of peace frog...the song is OK...but the pereception box set has a LOT of songs on it...

For whatever reason, when I think of playing a Doors song that wasn't one of their 'greatest hits,' Peace Frog always pops into my head. Like I said, it's possibly because I can't remember what it sounds like until I listen to it again...and it has a very interesting name for a song.
My awareness of XTC is minimal. I know some of the album covers (Drums and Wires in particular), but it’s another case of “not my style” back then. But in anticipation of the upcoming The Big Express in Atmos (and after a glass of 🍷 the other night), I ordered the earlier 5.1 releases which have been slowly coming in this week.

I also found the XTC documentary on YouTube. Very enjoyable to get up to speed on the band.

In it, they played a part of King for a Day. I must have heard a bit of that when it came out because it sounds just a tiny bit familiar.

Anyway... that is stuck in my head in a major way now. Can’t wait to hear what that sounds like in 5.1. And, yes, if they want to take my money again for an Atmos release, my credit card and I stand ready.
