I don't think my parents had much influence on my musical tastes. They had a Zenith console in the living room with just a few albums. It was one of those with the "phantom third channel" (which, when you played that demo record, the phrase was always belted out with a big voice and lots of reverb.)
Oddly enough, looking back on those few records, Andy Williams, Dean Martin and Mitch Miller - to name a few I vaguely remember, they had some Enoch Light! This was at the time when stereo was just getting big so they were stereo versions. I actually liked one album so much that, when I got back to collecting audio in around 2019, I made sure to go out and find this record. Cheesey and yet I love it. And, because the stereo is SO pronounced on this record, it sounds really cool through a QS style decoder.
The next person to actually influence me was my Uncle's (he was only 6 years older than me) wife's brother. I was such a nerd and Richie was such a cool dude. Despite being something like 7 feet tall, he drove this tiny Opel sports car. He could barely get in it.
I think the year was 1973ish (me, about 14 years old) and at that time I only owned one record. The Monkees Headquarters. That was, of course , because I watched the TV show every week. Richie played Dark Side of the Moon for me. I was blown away! The ticking clocks on Time just enamored me. I HAD to buy it. Of course, Money was played on the radio at the time, so that helped my soon-to-be addiction. It was around this time I decided I wanted to be a DJ.
...and that's what I did. And, of course, once in radio, I had nearly free access to all kinds of records and music.