Anyone know if this is getting a physical release like the others in a small box cd/Bluray combo? I’d order it in a heartbeat.
Anyone know if this is getting a physical release like the others in a small box cd/Bluray combo? I’d order it in a heartbeat.
Yeah I went - it was really good!Did anyone here go?
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music to my ears.Yeah I went - it was really good!I think the mix will go down very well! It’s very discrete, the usual SW XTC but with lots of action in the heights and sides as well… I need to check a few tracks and come back for a better review. But it really is good! Apologies to Steven for not necessarily getting ‘the decisive moment’ either...
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According to other reports from those who were lucky enough to attend, apparently Steven also mentioned working on a remix of "a brit pop debut album celebrating its 30th anniversary". Predictions? I know I can think of one...
I think the Britpop reference is a misdirection play. I think the album in question is actually Shaq Diesel by Shaquille O'Neal.According to other reports from those who were lucky enough to attend, apparently Steven also mentioned working on a remix of "a brit pop debut album celebrating its 30th anniversary". Predictions? I know I can think of one...
The Verve's "A Storm In Heaven" was released in 1993 and I've always wanted a surround version of that one... they weren't really pop yet though.According to other reports from those who were lucky enough to attend, apparently Steven also mentioned working on a remix of "a brit pop debut album celebrating its 30th anniversary". Predictions? I know I can think of one...
Yeah, but I wouldn't think anyone would call them Brit Pop. Hardly. My wish and guess is Blur (although they really didn't start in '93 their brit pop era likely did).Radiohead also debuted in ‘93…
“It was my pleasure on Wednesday to attend the Dolby Atmos playback of XTC's 1984 album 'The Big Express', at the invitation of L'Acoustics, the French company that developed the system, at their purpose-built facility in Highgate.
For those (like myself) unfamiliar with this latest in aural excitement, it's a super-surround, immersive experience heard in pitch darkness, the listener having no outside distractions. The music is everything; if you thought 5:1 was as good as it gets, it might be time to think again...
Since the multitrack tapes of our album were discovered last year, Steven Wilson has once again been brought in to remix and remaster for re-release later this year. In addition to the usual 5:1 and stereo masters for BluRay, Steven has created this astounding Atmos mix which, in my view, finally does full justice to this detail-encrusted album. Perhaps the reason I never fully warmed to it on its original release was that two audio channels could scarcely contain the clamour of information fighting for attention! But Wednesday's playback re-opened my ears; so much I'd forgotten about - brilliant songwriting bursting with spirited performances, and a fresh, vibey sound that belies the fact that it was recorded, on tape, (an unbelievable) 39 years ago.
You may well be wondering, how does one go about witnessing this amazing resurrection for oneself? Having lost count of the number of speakers installed in the room, it's unlikely too many folks will ever have this system in the home. It would be wonderful if more theatres could be converted to accommodate music-only playback events such as this, like audio I-MAX, but I suspect that is some way off. In the meantime I'm reliably informed that another listening session for TBE is to be staged in LA on 28th April; check with L'Acoustics for details.
It was so great catching up with Steven again (he is a genius, definitely), as well as two other important people involved in the creation of 'The Big Express' - namely Phil Thornalley, the engineer who mixed the album with us at RAK Studios all those years ago; and the fabulous Mr. Peter Phipps, much-missed drummer and thoroughly-decent chap whom I'd not seen for 30-plonk years. I'd like to thank Julie Blore-Bizot, Mary-Beth Henson and the wonderful team at L'Acoustics for their warmth and hospitality; also, Hik Sasaki and Declan Colgan for getting everything sorted, and my gal Yvonne Wootton for the photographs.
To all who attended, thanks for coming, thanks for listening, hope you enjoyed the trip.”