Ah, really? You wouldn't know that from reading the old reviews of them here. Gush, gush, gush....
Highly overblown. Scheiner et al get the sound right, most importantly
Disagree, but that's fine and it's a matter of taste. Scheiner's mixes in my opinion are super-hot and way too discrete. No immersion.
I can only go based on music I actually listen to. Greg Penny, hit and miss. Some mixes are fine and some not. Stephen W Tayler, I've only heard Marillion - Holidays in Eden and it is one of their worst remixes. Dynamics are all over the place, treble is too harsh, nothing sounds right.
And away we go....
His remixes of Fragile, CttE, Tales, Relayer revealed nothing to me. (I quite like his Yes Album remixes)
I know these albums like the back of my hand. Mostly what his remixes gave me was sense of being just misfires.
OK, I get that you don't like him, that's fine. I did say last ten years so neither Relayer nor Close to the Edge fall within that timeframe, and Tales is cutting it close. But fine, let's say 8 years to make you happy.
His best mix in my collection is his own album, The Raven Who Refused to Sing.
Curious, I find this to be one of his worst self-mixes.
How nice that he gets
do-overs on others....
And who cares if he gets do-overs. 20 years ago almost no-one was making really great surround mixes, so I'm happy to hear the evolution of the medium.
By the way with the sheer volume of his output compared to all the others, (not to mention actually making and producing his own music), You could throw away 20% of his mixes and still come out on top. So yeah, I think there is a reason people like him around here. He's not a god but he is one of the best at what he does.