Steven Wilson Yes Close To The Edge in Dolby Atmos (out in March!)


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Going back to the matter at hand……

As has been generally agreed by the majority of previous posts from QQ members, this ‘ultimate’ issue of CTTE is a definite ‘must have’ and will sit nicely alongside the myriad of issues of this ground breaking album I own. This includes my original purchase of the vinyl LP back in 1972 released some months after seeing Yes premiere CTTE in the UK at that summer’s Crystal Place Garden Party concert and which included The Mahavishnu Orchestra on the bill. A special day indeed!

So, yes (pun intended), I am an old git but still a music lover of all prog old and new. However, I do wonder if I am losing my marbles (no Marillion pun intended) as I think I have spotted something most peculiar with this exciting issue and when comparing the Rhino ‘pre-order blurb’ against the same for that on the Amazon and Burning Shed web sites. I will clarify.

I have no problem with the info shown on all three sites for CDs Disc 1 & 2 – Track listings match. Equally, I have no issue with the listings for the BR disc and the vinyl LP – other than Amazon don’t acknowledge it is ‘vinyl’ but, rather oddly, call it up as ‘Disc 7 & Disc 8’. I suppose they can be forgiven as they weren’t born when the black plastic disc was invented!

For me, where it all starts to fall apart are the listings for Disc 3 – ‘Rarities’ and the two ‘live concert’ CDs – Discs 4 & 5. Let’s take the latter first.

Amo, Rhino & BS concur in terms of track listing and order but there is a discrepancy in respect of the date of the concert. Amo & Rhino have it down as 16th December 1972 (I was there along with my family cohort ‘Omega 4’ who has mentioned this in an earlier post). However, BS have it listed as being recorded on 15th December 1972 – me and my cohort ‘was not there’!! Confusion all round or, maybe, some real disappointment to come!

As for Disc 3 - ‘Rarities’, this is where it all does really fall apart!! Amo & Rhino list 10 tracks whereas BS list only 7 tracks! Tracks 1-3 incl. concur then BS have ‘America (2025 SW Remix) as Track 4 whereas A & R have ‘Siberia (Studio Run-Through, etc.)’ – BTW that is Track 5 on the BS listing. Then, to compound matters, ‘And You and I – Alternate Version’ and ‘Close To The Edge (Rough Mix)’ are swapped around being Tracks 6 & 7 on the BS listings but are Tracks 6 & 5 on the other two….W*F? Anyway, after that mess up, BS give up the ghost and there is no mention of Tracks 8, 9 & 10 – the three SW edits).

So, after all that rubbish, does this mean that there are two different versions available between the USA and UK and completists need to order twice or, more than likely, has someone had a bit of a fragile day at Burning Shed?…couldn’t resist that last one! Ho de ho!
As someone who's had a short bit of involvement with some reissues (not Yes), here's what can happen. A set gets worked on, goes through multiple iterations of track lists as things are dropped and/or added, and some of those can also have errors that aren't important as long as it's all internal business. But then, someone mistakenly shares the unfinished track list with the retailers, and so the incorrect information is out there and now competing with the correct one.

It's possible the Wilson edits were a late addition in order to give consumers a bit more VFM. Maybe Jason the Rhino guy over on SHF can confirm. I'd put stock in what Rhino and Amazon are saying.
How do you pull up this information on Amazon? Please do share.
I'm not too confident Import CD's will have this available on the release date...not sure if I've pre-ordered from them without a release date...

This is a tough choice because I already have the 2013 Steven Wilson 5.1 DVD and think it’s great. I didn’t have the Fragile DVD which made splurging for the box a little easier especially after the price came down. But Wilson Atmos mixes are soooo good.
It's possible the Wilson edits were a late addition in order to give consumers a bit more VFM. Maybe Jason the Rhino guy over on SHF can confirm.

That sounds quite reasonable to me, though I personally don't understand the point of arbitrary SW edits like this. They're just filler for me.
same, I've purchased a butt-load of pre-order type titles over the last 10 years. Never had one cancel that I recall.
Me, too! Amazon I had found to be all too often problematic on import pre-orders. Plus I find their price guarentee often illusory as well - the price goes down some days AFTER the preorder is filled. The Games They Play! ImportCDs has a fair and discounted price to start with.
I'm a fan of ImportCDs. I've had more issues with Amazon getting prereleases to me in a timely manner the past couple years, which has further pushed me towards other vendors like ImportCDs (bullmoose, rarewaves, lasercd, etc). I really really miss buying from BurningShed, when the exchange rate got out of control I just couldn't justify the significant added cost any more. SDE and CDJapan are also worthy to note, since discussing presales. They're also top notch but the exchange rate penalty means I feel I must buy at least a couple things to spread out the high shipping costs. I'm out of things to buy at both after my recent orders. 😲

Amazon has gotten so bad I've recently stopped buying anything but older in stock items from them.
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Which ones do you feel are 'not so good', if I may ask?
Okay, I'll bite:
I didn't particularly like his remix of Marillion's 'Brave' or his 'Tales From Topographic Oceans' (Yes) remix. And his efforts on 'A' (Jethro Tull) were not as rewarding to me as some of the other Jethro Tull remixes. So, yeah, some are not so good in my ears. But like I said: it is a matter of taste and all very very subjective.

Oh, and his 2 ELP remixes are far from stellar. Rumors of outside interference (by Greg or Carl) or very much speculative: I take it on face value and judge those mixes by what I hear and conclude that I don't particularly like his Tarkus remix end his ELP (self titled) remix either.
Okay, I'll bite:
I didn't particularly like his remix of Marillion's 'Brave' or his 'Tales From Topographic Oceans' (Yes) remix. And his efforts on 'A' (Jethro Tull) were not as rewarding to me as some of the other Jethro Tull remixes. So, yeah, some are not so good in my ears. But like I said: it is a matter of taste and all very very subjective.

Oh, and his 2 ELP remixes are far from stellar. Rumors of outside interference (by Greg or Carl) or very much speculative: I take it on face value and judge those mixes by what I hear and conclude that I don't particularly like his Tarkus remix end his ELP (self titled) remix either.
'Tales From Topographic Oceans' (Yes) remix was a disappointment. I love that album, but the remix and the instrumentals sound flat.