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Starting my day with some Sparks!

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I was digging around in my Department of Analog this recent Friday. I don't remember what for because I was sidetracked when I rediscovered this lost gem:

EAT 2.jpg

You Are What You Eat. Not to be confused with an album of the same name by Ozzy and Black Sabbath. I bought it new about a hundred years ago & played it almost to death. Well, the record is in better shape than the record cover. I was intrigued by the combination of talent on the disc & I'm always ready to try something off beat & quirky so I had to have it.

Read all about it!

It's such an odd & delightful combo of music punctuated with bits of spoken dialogue & sound effects. This made more sense to me when I discovered it was actually the sound track to a movie of the same name. Every now & then I would search extensively for the movie but never found it until yesterday. Things pop up where you least expect it sometimes & here it is in its entirety on YT:

The video quality is really terrible at first but it actually improves after the opening. Still not great quality but I found it good enough even shown on my 8' screen. The LP is in stereo, the movie is in mono. Content wise the story is more coherent than Peter Fonda's The trip or the Monkees Head. Here's a shout out to @marpow aka Mr San Fransisco... If you get a chance to watch or at least sample this, maybe you could give some feedback how representative this is at depicting SF in the late 60's.
Students tried to turn my on to Tyler, the Creator back in the late twenty-aughts when he was part of Odd Future, and then again in the early twenty-teens when he was eating cockroaches in music videos, but i didn't get it/him . . . i'll be damned if they weren't right! Kids! And you know it sounds absolutely surreal through the Surround Master!

I was digging around in my Department of Analog this recent Friday. I don't remember what for because I was sidetracked when I rediscovered this lost gem:

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You Are What You Eat. Not to be confused with an album of the same name by Ozzy and Black Sabbath. I bought it new about a hundred years ago & played it almost to death. Well, the record is in better shape than the record cover. I was intrigued by the combination of talent on the disc & I'm always ready to try something off beat & quirky so I had to have it.

Read all about it!

It's such an odd & delightful combo of music punctuated with bits of spoken dialogue & sound effects. This made more sense to me when I discovered it was actually the sound track to a movie of the same name. Every now & then I would search extensively for the movie but never found it until yesterday. Things pop up where you least expect it sometimes & here it is in its entirety on YT:

The video quality is really terrible at first but it actually improves after the opening. Still not great quality but I found it good enough even shown on my 8' screen. The LP is in stereo, the movie is in mono. Content wise the story is more coherent than Peter Fonda's The trip or the Monkees Head. Here's a shout out to @marpow aka Mr San Fransisco... If you get a chance to watch or at least sample this, maybe you could give some feedback how representative this is at depicting SF in the late 60's.

Hard to watch, too weird. I graduated 8th grade in 68. I think the motor cycles was Marin and Mt. Tam. The guy who was walking between the rocks I think that is Pinnacles National Monument south of SF.
Nothing else I could really tell.
Bought this back in January at record fair. Wasn't cleaned so I've sort of half cleaned it. I don't really have cleaning licked yet (I could lick them...hmmm).

Feels like if I brushed them forever I would keep getting dust off them.

Anyway I like Yes but I'm not hugely impressed by the live album. Maybe I'm used to live records with loads of overdubs and corrections :-D.
I don't really have cleaning licked yet (I could lick them...hmmm).

Feels like if I brushed them forever I would keep getting dust off them.
I feel that pain. I’ve bought a few cleaning items, but I’m never sure if it’s really helping. Some of the brushes seem to leave some strands on the records at times.

One thing I did buy, partially out of nostalgia, is an anti-static gun. I used the same type of gun when I worked in radio years ago and I wasn’t totally sure it worked then. But I do know that with new albums, they’re coming out pretty static-y on the first play. The David Lee Roth boxset I got the other day was worst... the static was so strong it felt like the sleeves were welded to the vinyl.
Bought this back in January at record fair. Wasn't cleaned so I've sort of half cleaned it. I don't really have cleaning licked yet (I could lick them...hmmm).

Feels like if I brushed them forever I would keep getting dust off them.
View attachment 114470
Anyway I like Yes but I'm not hugely impressed by the live album. Maybe I'm used to live records with loads of overdubs and corrections :-D.
You inspired me to spin this OG slab. Looking forward to the new Atmos mix! Until then, this sounds KILLER through the Surround Master!

Been under the weather after a planned surgery, didn't do anything except move from bed to recliner for acouple days, then slowly started playing some tunes.
I haven't even opened the last batch of Quadio's, maybe today.

I'll be the first to admit of my narrow listening choices. As this is my favorite section to expand the gap between my ears, thanks to the members and especially @Clement and @svengaleekie, showing albums I can sample on 🍎 music. So Thank Guys and Thank You to all the participants posting here........

Anywho, started this morning with this


Which somehow, led to this

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