4 New Quadio releases coming in June!


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I told my wife about the significance of tomorrow to my musical well-being, the background of quad recordings and what’s being released.

She just looked at me with one of those “That’s nice dear... I’m glad you’re keeping out of trouble” expressions and nodding her head while I kept rambling on.
Blackwood, to anyone who's married (I fall in that group myself), this is pretty funny. Thanks for the laugh.
Steve said that at Midnight tongiht I can show the pictures of the discs, so we're staying up till then to do just that. So, if you're around, check out the thread tonight at Midnight and then prepare to go forth and order. I expect y'all will want all 4, and if you can spare the $80, all I can say is it will be well worth it.

We really need to show Rhino that there is a demand for this physical product which will justify the decisions made to get these things out this time and to insure there are many more to come. I know the QQ members will be into these, but we need to spread the word to other forums, facebook groups, and other internet music related sites so that people who do not live here at QQ know these things are available. Remember, these are BLU-RAY AUDIO discs with stereo 24/192 track, so you don't need to be able to play surround to get value from them. That needs to be stressed in all corners of the music loving internet.

Let's blow these things out the door!!! :SG
Steve said that at Midnight tongiht I can show the pictures of the discs, so we're staying up till then to do just that. So, if you're around, check out the thread tonight at Midnight and then prepare to go forth and order. I expect y'all will want all 4, and if you can spare the $80, all I can say is it will be well worth it.

We really need to show Rhino that there is a demand for this physical product which will justify the decisions made to get these things out this time and to insure there are many more to come. I know the QQ members will be into these, but we need to spread the word to other forums, facebook groups, and other internet music related sites so that people who do not live here at QQ know these things are available. Remember, these are BLU-RAY AUDIO discs with stereo 24/192 track, so you don't need to be able to play surround to get value from them. That needs to be stressed in all corners of the music loving internet.

Let's blow these things out the door!!! :SG

Have you actually listened to them yet,Jon?
If so what are your first impressions?
Tim, are you planning to hit the Facebook "Quad Traders" and "Quadraphonic and Surround Sound Audio" groups, too?
I will post it in the "Old School Quadraphonic" Facebook group, too. Even though Blu-ray discs aren't exactly "old school," technically, the quadraphonic mixes are.....so there's that. 🙂
Really curious to see how they sell.
I'm really curious as well. I'm not sure if these are being pressed in Europe as well as US. But I would think that by including the international sales if they get them shipped out there, they will do fine. Might take 4 to 6 months to really see how hot they sold. Grassroots word of mouth is all that it is just yet!
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I’m going to write about each title on a Instagram post once I have them in hand and player. Then do a recap post about buying the four together for the “package deal” Rhino is offering.

And as I mentioned - album entries on Wiki are perfect places to mention a new addition to the album’s release history.
I got a double post there. (Typing on a cell phone gets me every time)

Anyway, this is the best batch of four quad masters released since Sony did their SACD launch 1998-2003 era. Those were very fine too. Goes to show how long this ride has been since 73/74
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I got a double post there. (Typing on a cell phone gets me every time)

Anyway, this is the best batch of four quad masters released since Sony did their SACD launch 1998-2003 era. Those were very fine too. Goes to show how long this ride has been since 73/74
I got my first quad system in 1972. That was after lusting for one since late 1971.
I got a double post there. (Typing on a cell phone gets me every time)

Anyway, this is the best batch of four quad masters released since Sony did their SACD launch 1998-2003 era. Those were very fine too. Goes to show how long this ride has been since 73/74

Well, you cannot take away from what Micheal Dutton has done with his quad reissues. I mean, he's really a trail blazer, releasing quad SACDs, sometimes with 2 or 3 quad albums on one disc for $20, and mastered with care and perfection. This Rhino initiative is great, and I am totally behind it 100%, but in the enthusiasm connected with the release of these four titles, let's not forget that DV has released on many days at least 4 quad masters that were met with the same excitement and enthusiasm as these 4 discs - although the DV's never got a lengthy build up because we didn't know they were coming until they were available! Just giving Micheal his due, which he justly deserves.

And hey! It's an hour and a half to go!!
I got my first quad system in 1972. That was after lusting for one since late 1971.
I never was able to get a quad system, and therefor just listened to a Q8 with front channels playing only, and then play it again with rear channels only, and try to imagine what it would sound like together.

Then listening to SQ and CD-4 LPs, but only on stereo - listening for the subtle differences. It took until DTS launched their quad reissues and I got Wings, Ohio Players, and Abraxis, and maybe BBA.

That’s a lot of suffering just to get to DTS. But things slowly picked up, then Audio Fidelity jumped in and things started moving faster.

Then now and we find now we are about to get the “Lost Sea Scrolls” or missing “Crown Jewels” of Quad from WMG.
We are gonna try and make them live at midnight tonight.
I really appreciate the support from this forum.

Thank you all so very much!

We owe you a great deal of thanks for these Steve. I know that without your support, these discs would probably never have seen the light of day, and this program is pretty much 'your baby'!! I am hoping that it is met with great success and continues for many years.