I just finished testing latest Kodi Matroska tagging changes which now supports all tags correctly (genre and release date included). Its not yet available publicly but its coming VERY soon.
Man this is a game changer (My simple steps):
- I used a fresh mkv rip directly from my EJ Diamonds BDA
- Tagged it with Music Media Helper 9's 'Chapter Editor' - No manual data entry except entering 'Elton John' & 'Diamonds' into the 'Get Tags from Musicbrainz' dialog
- The new MMH 9 found the exact release and loading all the track name to all 48 chapters, Click 'Save' to save the tags & Chapter names (new release has a 'media format filter’ set to 'Blu-ray' so it found just one release)
- In Kodi (test build not yet available to public), scanned my test ‘Music Source' root folder (it actually found all my MKA test album, 3 of them)
That was less than 60 seconds work!
This is what I got in Kodi's Music views:
NOTE: I did not add any album cover image or disc art. Kodi grabbed them automatically based on Musicbrainz tags
In Kodi's recently added albums list, select 'Diamonds'
& Click in the 'Info' option (right-click with mouse/long select press on remote on the Album name):
All this data was grabbed by Kodi because in has the Musicbrainz Album ID from the tags created by MMH Chapter Editor
View attachment 112783
Selecting the Album to Play: A full list of Tracks, play any and Kodi will auto play next until album is finished (gapless/no drop outs between tracks)
View attachment 112784
Playing a track (Kodi's Artist Slidshow cycles different fanart images will song plays and artist biography shows in ticker-tape at bottom:
View attachment 112785
Pretty easy!! Literally a Game Changer for BDA playback!!
(you can add your own album and/or disc art manually, this is what Kodi did by itself when it has Musicbrainz tagging for a MKA rip.