I wonder why Bill Hunt feels so strongly with regards to physical media for movies but is just content with the music situation.. that's a big rant right there and I'm inclined to agree with some of what he says in Rant #2.. but things are no better with music than movies, it's all slipping away from our cold old hands!
I am not at all happy with the state of things in the music world re: the death of physical discs.. and I will reject downloads for albums/movies where I want the best quality A/V reproduction only until there is absolutely no physical disc alternative available at all.
I'm more than happy to continue to pay for discs that I can:
1.) play to my hearts' content on as many devices as I choose,
2.) that I can sell on when I get bored of them, or smash up and chuck in the bin if I want to.
the quality is paramount to me and thats as much of a motivating force in feeling so strongly about physical product.. but with discs you physically own there comes a certain freedom, the liberty to own/dispose and use as you like comes with the price tag.. and the big boys hate that, they want to control your so-called "ownership" of music and movies (with a download you own nothing tangible/physical) and that's not for me.
I'd rather listen to the radio for free than pay for shit quality downloads that are never really something in my actual possession and never something I can see/touch/sell/toss in the garbage as I see fit..!!!
you pays yer money you takes yer choice. I choose to spend my money on discs, So I am in charge - so