Dream Theater - Parasomnia (Atmos!) - Feb 7


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The purpose of my post wasn't to share an opinion, but to see instead whether other Dream Theater fans over here may have different views and perhaps prove me wrong about my recent disinterest in the band. I don't think I had ever talked about DT over here, and it's a band I love discussing about because they're very dear to me thanks to their older albums, so this thread could be a good place for that. You can keep the sarcasm to yourself, thank you.
How would/should my thoughts or feelings change your already formed impressions and preferences? Are you that variable?

Read your own post again and explain where the "interested in the forum's thoughts and feelings" is stated.

I might sound like a buzzkill but I'm not even remotely interested in the comeback of Mike Portnoy - to be honest, the only DT album I've truly enjoyed in the last 20 years is the first album they released without him (A Dramatic Turn of Events). To these ears, they managed to regain some freshness there that I had been missing in them for a long time.

I absolutely love everything they released from 1992 to 2002, and to me that streak of albums is almost unsurpassed by any other band (I'd only put Yes 1971-1977 above them), but after Six Degrees most of their albums are a boredom fest to me. I haven't even listened to the last 3 ones they released because I couldn't be bothered anymore.

I know they still have a lot of fans who enjoy their recent output and are excited about Portnoy's return, so it's great to see there's an Atmos mix coming, but I don't think I'll ever find the motivation to listen to it. I still love their older albums as much as I did back in the day though - they are desert island albums to me.

You can keep the disingenuous posts to yourself, thank you.
Anybody found the Amazon link for the 2CD+BD variation?
There isn't one, there may never be one. At just under $60 the price is fine, but I'll wait a while to see which sites end up offering it. As I previously posted, if past releases are any indication plenty will be produced so time is on our side. There's almost 4 months until release, zero reason IMO to order it now.
How would/should my thoughts or feelings change your already formed impressions and preferences? Are you that variable?

Read your own post again and explain where the "interested in the forum's thoughts and feelings" is stated.

It's quite simple. I stated I haven't listened to their last 3 albums due to my general disinterest (with one exception) in their post-2002 stuff, and, due to the little variation of style in that era, I wouldn't be expecting any big surprise among what I haven't heard. But maybe I've been missing something really worth listening in those?

Maybe I should have worded my post differently. I'm not a native English speaker, and reading my post again I understand it might give the impression of being talking too much "me, myself, my opinion" instead of what I'm trying to explain here.

But anyway, for the life of me I don't get why my post should be bothersome to anyone :unsure:. Isn't giving our views about the music we enjoy, no matter the individual differences in opinion we may find, the main reason why we write here? You reacted as if I had said or implied that those who still enjoy their recent releases are unworthy or something like that.

For what it's worth, I would've loved to read your own opinion on the band discography as a reply instead. No matter you find my opinion irrelevant, I'd find any other's opinions relevant, yours included obviously.
I more or less agree, they were untouchable until Six degrees, I still buy their albums but it’s been a long time since anything excited me, they were my fave band longer than i’ve ever had a fave band, when they started doing surround sound they were past their sell-by date, from Images & words through to Octavarium I would buy again in surround

Thanks for the constructive reply. I'd especially love to hear Six Degrees in surround. Not my #1 fav album by them, but I think it could be the best suited for that. Interesting sound desing there.
For what it's worth, I would've loved to read your own opinion on the band discography as a reply instead. No matter you find my opinion irrelevant, I'd find any other's opinions relevant, yours included obviously.
This topic specifically is about the new album, not a general dream theater discussion. There's been many on this forum and a couple hundred thousand over the course of their career on other forums, facebook groups, reddit, etc. Old v New Dream Theater. Mangini v Portnoy Dream Theater. It's been discussed ad nauseum.

Maybe go on Youtube (or Spotify) and listen to the newer albums (for free) and form your own opinion. As you say, forming an opinion about something you never heard is empty. Hence the pushback to your post about how bad something is you've never heard.

Maybe a moderator can split this side discussion off from this thread.