ELP Emerson Lake & Palmer Cataloge in 5.1 Surround


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??? But surround "lossless" (= uncompressed) PCM is also possible on a DVD-Video.

I am sorry but I have had enough of these silly comments. It is what it is and I am very grateful for what we get.

Consider this was recorded over 40 years ago using technology that was primitive to todays audio equipment. What has been produced on DVD-audio and CD on the new re-issue is fantastic and I am very happy that some people went to the trouble to make this happen.

Have some respect.
To bring som balance to this discussion I will give you a user review from Amazon UK (for both new releases):

So you are an ELP fan wondering wether to replace your remastered version of this cd with this box set.Should you? NO. This could have been a single cd with the worthwhile bonus tracks added to the end. What you get is the original mix, then a cd of a new mix which doesnt improve on the original by 1 iota. If anything the new mix is worse and thinner. The 5.1 is a waste of time completely.
All in all this is a cynical re-re-re-reissuing of the original album. A mini box set all of which could have been on 1 really interesting cd. the mixes are a waste of time, the extra tracks very disposable, yet again another none essential release

Different strokes for different people :D
These DVDs have PCM audio. I did a check on my BluRay player and the high res audio shows PCM.

The Amazon review is from one person.

My review from my perspective as mentioned above a recording done over 40 years ago on 16 track tape sounds pretty amazing to me and does give these albums a better sonic value to my ears.
The booklets are also very well done and very informative.
From Steven Wilson himself on the Steve Hoffman forum:

At this stage no-one has asked me to be involved in any further ELP remixes. I suspect that a lot will depend on how well received these first 2 are. My personal policy is only do albums that I'm genuinely a fan of, so that would rule out anything after BSS anyway.


SW has shown in this particular thread the nobility of having the full power to decide, of having strong views, and yet checking others' opinions.
No matter if further 5.1 ELP releases happend or not, I wish he'd give a last chance from scratch to the albums after BSS. Maybe nowadays they won't sound that bad. I think they're good music. Not assertive in terms of direction as the previous albums, but good music. "Problematic" albums of good bands often have their moments, and they're precisely where the challenge is.

The "lost ELP" view, of course, is an opinion many have about their later albums, especially after WBMF. I can understand this.
To me, anyway, ELP has not turned into another band after 1975. They just probably thought they should keep going, no matter new directions could lead to dead ends (and some of them did). I think this is better than achieving a "band formula" to recreate old albums again and again, something some successful bands of the '70s did.

I have to repeat myself: trash the cover, brainwash yourself that that cover ever existed, and start Love Beach by Side 2. It's not bad at all. Someone should convince Sony to re-release it with an alternative cover.
To prove Works 1/2 and In Concert deserve to be heard is a lot easier.
Being said that, it's time someone who can make the difference be the advocate of these four albums, as they've been punished by history as no other.
I think the ELP '70s catalogue deserves to be understood as a whole, with all its incongruencies. So I wished it could be released in its entirety, under critical and "curator" perspectives. That would happen if this 5.1 collection moved on all the way and by the same hands...
I agree, 'Love Beach' isn't that bad, in fact i play it quite often, more for 'memoirs...' than anything else. Yes it's sparten, but it's a mature ELP piece, and should be given a chance. That cover is easily the worst i've ever seen,and i hope whoever was responcible is ashamed of themselves.

A WWII based cover would have suited it more (and i'm getting cheeky now) with Manticore in the background protecting the Karnevil (carnival) and its exhibits

My copies arrived today from Amazon UK and I'm looking forward to listening to them :)

This may sound like sour grapes (I suppose it is sour grapes LOL) but these releases yet again increase my loathing of cardboard packaging.
They don't stand up to even normal wear and tear, let alone shipment across the Atlantic.
The condition these discs arrived while not outright terrible, is bad enough (damaged corners, crushed spines, fraying edges) to make me consider contacting Amazon for replacements.
Problem exacerbated by the the fact they seem to be flimsier that usual for packages of this type and not shrinkwrapped.
No, I won't complain to Sony for fear of offending their tender ears but I am disappointed.
Hopefully the music and sound quality make up for it.
My copies arrived today from Amazon UK and I'm looking forward to listening to them :)

This may sound like sour grapes (I suppose it is sour grapes LOL) but these releases yet again increase my loathing of cardboard packaging.
They don't stand up to even normal wear and tear, let alone shipment across the Atlantic.
The condition these discs arrived while not outright terrible, is bad enough (damaged corners, crushed spines, fraying edges) to make me consider contacting Amazon for replacements.
Problem exacerbated by the the fact they seem to be flimsier that usual for packages of this type and not shrinkwrapped.
No, I won't complain to Sony for fear of offending their tender ears but I am disappointed.
Hopefully the music and sound quality make up for it.

Mine arrived today as well. And just as you said, they are unsealed and got beat up a bit. Not horribly, but they are not "mint". The cardboard is pretty cheezy at best. Not worth sending back, but I may get the US versions when they come out to keep as backups.
Digibook packaging is my favorite type of packaging followed by Digipacks (which is essentially what these ELP reissues are).
I loathe Jewel cases because it feels more like an assembled product rather than a work of art like vinyl.

BTW, I don't ever recall getting anything but mint condition products from Burning Shed shipping. Yes, these ELPs weren't wrapped but there was no evidence of any damage, major or minor to these reissues, and I was pleased. :)
My discs from Burning Shed still have not arrived. Shipped 13 days ago. Maybe today. At this rate my back up copies which I ordered later from Amazon UK may get here first.
Digibook packaging is my favorite type of packaging followed by Digipacks (which is essentially what these ELP reissues are).
I loathe Jewel cases because it feels more like an assembled product rather than a work of art like vinyl.

BTW, I don't ever recall getting anything but mint condition products from Burning Shed shipping. Yes, these ELPs weren't wrapped but there was no evidence of any damage, major or minor to these reissues, and I was pleased. :)

I got mine from Burning Shed as well - received yesterday. As you state, not shrink wrapped but packaged with alot of tender, loving care (as always). Burning Shed always delivers outstanding customer service and I would use them over Amazon anytime despite a few extra bucks.

And yes, I loved the DVD-A's!!
Anybody know where there are new copies of the ELP S/T & Tarkus DVD Audios for sale? Burning Shed states they are not available.
Is that 'Not available' or just waiting for new stock?

I guess Amazon is the obvious place to look
Anybody know where there are new copies of the ELP S/T & Tarkus DVD Audios for sale? Burning Shed states they are not available.

At Amazon.de there seems to be no shortage. The price went up to EUR 14.99 (+2). There was an alert that Tarkus might be recalled because of copyright issues for one track... but at least for Amazon.de this did not happen.
