ELP Emerson Lake & Palmer Cataloge in 5.1 Surround


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Prove it. My tests prove 3 out of 4 don't.
Hm, maybe my english is not good enough, but I wrote "would have been" and I meant back in time before DVD-Audio and SACD.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Why should Pioneer support 6 channel uncompressed LPCM in the Video folder, if there ar no such commercially issued DVD-Video discs? (There is a german saying: "If there is no complainant, there is no judge.")
If these discs were available and would not play on their players, there would be a quick firmware update.
I wrote "would have been" and I meant back in time before DVD-Audio and SACD.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

why do you bring up this topic again and again?
we have what we have and i don't think anyone from consumers or producers anyhow cares about "what could be, if..."
hybrid DVDA or even simple ADVD can deliver many formats on single disc, which will be able to satisfy all needs of those,
who's continue to purchase physical discs. after decade of resistance to DVD-Audio format, now even Sony accepted
it and let's hope there would be more from them (and perhaps others, not as big labels, who could be inspired by the
Sony's move), after this initial experiment with ELPs.
end of the story :)
I wrote "would have been" and I meant back in time before DVD-Audio and SACD.

So this was just a mental exercise on what might have been?

We used to do that a lot on QQ, but things are looking much better for surround these days with the formats that are supported.
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Edit:The datarate of 6 channel 48 kHz / 20-bit uncompressed LPCM would be 5760 kbit/s, 6 channel 48 kHz / 16-bit uncompressed LPCM would be 4608 kbit/s. DVD-Video discs have a raw bitrate of 11.08 Mbit/s, with a 1.0 Mbit/s overhead, leaving a payload bitrate of 10.08 Mbit/s, which is approximately double of the above numbers.

I have authored a few DVD-V, and those with a datarate above 9Mbit/s (video + an uncompressed audio stream that was only stereo) actually failed to play correctly on some players...

I see where you're getting at but the point is that DVD-A is reliable for those inclined to go the Hi-Res surround sound route and personnally, I'm perfectly happy with it. (And also happy that I don't have to buy a BR player yet with the titles that are been issued on DVD-A!) ;)
This is the thread for: ELP Emerson Lake & Palmer Cataloge in 5.1 Surround

drSeehas, it's cool to have a point of view to advocate for. First off though, post on the DVD-V subject here:

DVD-A Semantics https://www.quadraphonicquad.com/forums/showthread.php?16422-Re-DVD-A-Semantics

If you still believe LPCM Multi-Channel has any merit in 2012, then do this:

1. Find all the software that will create such a disc. Actually create a LPCM Multi-Channel disc.

2. Give us step by step instructions from single Mono files to final disc creation. You can get non-commercial use "Creative Commons" mono files to mix into Multi-Channel such as from NIN here: http://remix.nin.com/

3. Once your disc is created, then figure out which players will play them. Perhaps post a .ISO disc image somewhere, but not on QQ site.

It sounds like others here have already tried this. But have at it, put your energies in a positive direction. Again, post your results in the appropriate section, not here.

Now back to discussion of: ELP Emerson Lake & Palmer Cataloge in 5.1 Surround
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Now that we've got ELP & Tarkus - If anyone is listening - can we please now have Trilogy as a CD/DVD-A package mixed by Steven Wilson???

Please please - I'll die happy if Trilogy gets released.
Now that we've got ELP & Tarkus - If anyone is listening - can we please now have Trilogy as a CD/DVD-A package mixed by Steven Wilson???

Please please - I'll die happy if Trilogy gets released.

If it does NOT get released early next year, we'll put you on life support and maybe you will make it till PAAE gets released also!
I know it's totally inappropriate but I can't help thinking that if you like ELP, you will probably like the Dutch group, of the same era, Supersister. Not in surround though.
On another subject, the ELP DVD-A could have used some "mastering". It being unmastered is not really bad, you just find yourself adjusting the volume a couple of times
Why would you want to downmixed it to 4 channels?

Some of us have "Center channel" turned off in the settings of our DVD-A/SACD players, which then allow 5.1 mixes to be played through Quadraphonic amplifiers. The "Center channel" then gets downmixed into the front Left and Right channels. It seems to work, although the other option is to run the "Center channel" into the aux inputs of one's TV speakers.
Some of us have "Center channel" turned off in the settings of our DVD-A/SACD players, which then allow 5.1 mixes to be played through Quadraphonic amplifiers. The "Center channel" then gets downmixed into the front Left and Right channels. It seems to work, although the other option is to run the "Center channel" into the aux inputs of one's TV speakers.

OK...I can see that but never had to deal with it. I think I had that setup in my car when I installed my first DVD-A player in it but that was before I installed a center channel in the dash very soon after and I don't remember what it sounded like.
Because my system is 4.0.

Thanks in advance.

Well I only have a 4.0 system and it sounds bloody beautiful to me! That is to say that I'm not sure that there is anything missing as I haven't heard them in 5.1? Lucky Man sounds wonderful to me the harmonies in the rear speakers sound very natural to me. Take a Pebble also sounds wonderful. I also have my centre channel turned as per OQG's recommendation
Now that we've got ELP & Tarkus - If anyone is listening - can we please now have Trilogy as a CD/DVD-A package mixed by Steven Wilson???

Please please - I'll die happy if Trilogy gets released.


I would much rather have Trilogy than PAAE in Quad because:
1-It's Greg Lake's favorite (also mine!)
2-It was already mixed in Quad way back when (which would make a KILLER set!!! Can you imagine? A SW modern Surround mix plus the original quad mix!!!)

BSS would be overkill since it already was given a very decent DVD-A treatment, and WBMF... is so shitty sounding that it would take a miracle to make it sound good...but then I believe in SW...

If any live LP is gonna get the Surround treatment, I'd say go for

to me, the best sounding live ELP release.....

BSS would be overkill since it already was given a very decent DVD-A treatment, and WBMF... is so shitty sounding that it would take a miracle to make it sound good...but then I believe in SW...

If any live LP is gonna get the Surround treatment, I'd say go for

to me, the best sounding live ELP release.....

BSS was released in SACD also and I am happy with those releases. WBMF may sound shitty but if it is remastered, it may sound fine for what is on the tapes. PAAE was a much better recording.
Mar Y Sol has a great early Tarkus but are there any multi-tracks of that show?
Well I only have a 4.0 system and it sounds bloody beautiful to me! That is to say that I'm not sure that there is anything missing as I haven't heard them in 5.1? Lucky Man sounds wonderful to me the harmonies in the rear speakers sound very natural to me. Take a Pebble also sounds wonderful. I also have my centre channel turned as per OQG's recommendation
Thanks, watsontr!