To be honest, i only picked the movie up because of Ralph's head's up to the Kino Lorber sale! I browsed the sale discs looking for surround mixes, and when i saw Coda had one, i read the reviews i posted; the description of the concert sealed the deal for me! It is absolutely transcendent! I knew Sakamoto from Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence--as an actor first! I adored the score and was surprised to see his name as composer when i the credits rolled! I don't know that i feel a need to score (as it were) Async: Surrounded, as the performance on the Blu-ray i have is so damn stunning aurally, i can't imagine it being better; and to see him performing it live just takes it to the next level. Let us know if you decide to pursue it; knowing my addiction to surround, i may follow you!