(do you have a shorter name?) leelou..
adorable ^_^
The last Laserdisc releases were in Dolby Surround and they ROCK!!!..they even have close captions...All of them are uncompressed. Even the ones from the 70s are presented in DTS HD-MA. An improvement over the previous Dolby digital releases.
In the movie business or the audio world there is tons of stuff recorded before DD on analog and later transferred over to uncompressed digital formats. I don't even know what you don't believe because your post really makes zero sense. Do you not believe it could be remixed into 5.1? Or do you not believe it was released in DTS HD-MA? They did both whether you believe it or not. Think of a movie like Blazing Saddles for instance, it was originally released in mono and later remixed to 5.1. Happens all the time and with good results based on the amount of resources put into the transfer. Actually I believe the Star Wars films were remixed to 6.1 with an additional rear center channel. They may one day do another remix to include 3d sound on either the Atmos or DTS-X format...
I started this thread and I appreciate all the comments. I have bought and watched a bunch of the titles in this thread. So far the winner is The Lego Movie. It has audio and video that are way over the top the entire length of the movie. I get worn out watching it.The Lego Movie!
Thanks for your suggestions. I have ordered TS2 and Casino Royale from Amazon and I am awaiting their arrival. I am assuming you mean the current version of Casino Royale and not the Peter Sellers version.The opening sequence in Toy Story 2 is one of my demo faves.... Never fails to impress. So too the opening sequence in Casino Royale. Breaking Bad on blu-ray has excellent surround sound mixing and is of course coupled with fantastic writing and acting. Own it on blu-ray and is well worth the upgrade for sound quality. One of the worst in the series in terms of story is titled 'The Fly' but has great surround mixing of a fly literally buzzing around you. I'd imagine if there was an Atmos mix, then it would be amazing with the ceiling speakers.
Too bad no "The Man Who Fell to Earth".
Barnes and Noble is now having their annual 50% off Criterion Blu Ray sale:
How many times, have you gotten up to answer the door, or phone only to find it was the movie? I still get the pause button close, and hear stuff I can swear is in the next room!
Well it may not be getting the Criterion treatment but there is this:
Actually, Criterion released a Blu-Ray of "The Man Who Fell to Earth" back in 2008, but it's been long since out-of-print:
How many times, have you gotten up to answer the door, or phone only to find it was the movie? I still get the pause button close, and hear stuff I can swear is in the next room!
Over the weekend, James Cameron announced at Comic-Con San Diego that The Abyss was given a new spiffy 4K treatment, and a Blu-ray (and quite likely 4K Blu-ray) will be out as early as next year. I'm sure that one will have a good surround track for it.
And there's so much more to discover!
Some more suggestions:
The Incredibles (a Pixar Movie) also has highly active surrounds and was one of the first Dolby Digital EX encoded DVDs back in the day.
… and I could go on and on. But these are my top of the list Discs. Creme de la Creme, I might say. For now it does not get better than those in my humble opinion.