Future Quadio releases?


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I don't think he manages them any more, but based on some other reports, I think they didn't explicitly say no, they won't OK anything that doesn't bring in a lot of money (perhaps a million or more), so in effect, they said no.
I see “Energized” as a supporting title in a Quadio bundle. Like J.Geils Band “Nightmares” sort of was. So I would expect Deep Purple or Rod Stewart to be headlining in the batch. I’d hope DP would not put another whammy on this quad album “Stormbringer.” Then “Bloodshot” could be included - but yet we’ve still not yet seen any artist repeated on a Quadio release. Another jazz album could be in there for some variation. It must be about time for Herbie Mann or MJQ to be the jazz pick. MJQ studio or double live gonzo is the question? There has been no live albums and no doubles “yet” either. “Push Push” seems like a great choice musically and the quad mix might be awesome… but the sexy cover a turn-off? They could use the foreign alternate cover for front of booklet and back of booklet have that original cover so buyers have the choice with a reversible booklet? Or just use the regular front cover with Mann looking like a low budget 70’s porn actor model. But I really would like to hear this in quad.

Of course there is the previously mentioned Sergio Mendes, and that album is I think produced by Quincy Jones. This album has three different titles depending on the county of release. But maybe too mellow after the previous couple of batches we’ve just been blessed with.

So yeah, two rock titles a jazz and a big mystery surprise quad we knew little about. There could be a couple of quad things FR came across and has yet to bother telling us about because we didn’t ask about them.