800 Club - QQ All-Star
The layers of ceiling paint will have more potential effect than the popcornI had it tested. A contractor sprayed a little water on a small patch and collected it.
It's perfect safe undisturbed. Mine is covered under several layers of paint. The real danger is during installation and removal.
We had asbestos wrapped ducts also from the 1970s. When we replaced the lousy 65% efficient 1970s furnace with a much more efficient 2011 model, the ducts needed to come out. It was not a staggering expense compared to the cost of the furnace itself. Companies have got this down to a routine practice.
Going wildly OT. Try to make it short.
Dr. very smart to have ceiling tested. Home asbesto threat overblown.
Asbesto is encapsulated in paint. Excellent.
Easiest, effective way to take care of popcorn ceilings barring removal.
Hang a layer of 1/4" drywall over it. My contractor spec'd high density drywall.
You won't notice the height diff.
I live in Wa. State, he told me this method passes all EPA regs.