King Crimson in 5.1?!


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Ouch! ITCOCK Deluxe Box Set with shipping($18.60) totals $77. Is there any other way to purhcase this set in US or only through Burning Shed?
Just pre-ordered all three from Burning Shed. With the regular cd/dvda of ITCOTCK the total to the usa was about $65. Sure can't complain about that for an international order. I just hope I like the music!

One of the fascinating things about KC is that they are not all the same.
What I have here so far seems like several different bands all using the same name - and it's awesome as a result.
I think you will like them.
Why are U.S. residents placing pre-orders for these overseas? Will there not be domestic versions of these KC titles?
One of the fascinating things about KC is that they are not all the same.
What I have here so far seems like several different bands all using the same name - and it's awesome as a result.
I think you will like them.

Of all of these bands , my favorite is the "the construcktion of light" and "The Power to Believe" Quartet, which I saw both times that they visited Madrid.

Mind you, I saw KC in Philadelphia in 1984 and my hair was cut very short by the sonic onslaught that ensued, but the RF/AB/TG/PM was really out of this world.

I really can't wait to hear a proper Hi Res MC version of these...
I'm surprised that those 2004 (remasters) will be in 24/96 on the DVD-A.
Apologies if this has been stated somewhere previously, but does anyone know if the 96/24 track will be in LPCM form so those with dvd-video players can listen to them?
Apologies if this has been stated somewhere previously, but does anyone know if the 96/24 track will be in LPCM form so those with dvd-video players can listen to them?

No, they will not be in the Video_TS. The LPCM streams are to be 24/48 only.
There are a couple of very good reasons for this.
1 - Disc Space. Use of a stereo stream in the Audio_TS is mandatory. There has to be a way of playing the disc in a stereo only DVDA player, and downmixes are a nasty, unacceptable compromise. Red is already at 8Gb in size, and court is even bigger.
2 - 24/96 LPCM support in DVD-Video is optional, not mandatory. The only mandatory LPCM streams are 16/48, anything higher is optional & possibly not supported. The results of using non-spec streams are either truncation to 16 bits or on-the-fly resampling to 48KHz. Therefore we elected (after much discussion) to use 24/48 LPCM as truncation is the lesser of the 2 evils - you just will not hear it unless you have ears like a bat - even then it is highly unlikely - whereas SRC can - and does - leave artefacts in Linear Phase (a sort of "ringing" in the upper mids) and Minimum Phase will alter the sound which is obviously undesirable no matter what.

Silvahalo007 said:
Why are U.S. residents placing pre-orders for these overseas? Will there not be domestic versions of these KC titles?

There will be - I have supplied separate sets of Masters for 3 territories:
Europe, USA/Canada & Japan, although I cannot possibly say what will happen with territories outside of the UK.

Kap'n Krunch said:
Of all of these bands , my favorite is the "the construcktion of light" and "The Power to Believe" Quartet, which I saw both times that they visited Madrid.

Mind you, I saw KC in Philadelphia in 1984 and my hair was cut very short by the sonic onslaught that ensued, but the RF/AB/TG/PM was really out of this world.

I really can't wait to hear a proper Hi Res MC version of these...

I am not sure if "Construktion of light" is to be done - it's not on my list as yet, but that is no real indicator as we simply don't know where this will all end right now. "Power To Believe" is certainly on the list, as is "USA" (which may have both stereo versions that have been done as well as the MC version, as the original mix was supplanted later by a much more powerful one).
I'll continue to make information available as I get it (as well as permission to repeat it) and you'll probably read all about it on QQ first of course!!
No, they will not be in the Video_TS. The LPCM streams are to be 24/48 only.
There are a couple of very good reasons for this.
1 - Disc Space. [..]
I can add to this reasoning that the 24/96 in the DVD-A section can be (and will be) losslessly compressed so it takes much less space than the uncompressed (L)PMC would take in the DVD-V section.
I have supplied separate sets of Masters for 3 territories: Europe, USA/Canada & Japan.
Thanks for all the detailed information. This raises another question however, are these by any change regio coded? Or are there PAL versions (as opposed to the expected NTSC). I know it seem unlikely but why else 3 different masters?
"Power To Believe" is certainly on the list

That is great news! :) This is my favourite of the albums after the 80's, and I feel that it would very naturally be mixed to MC, both with ambience and discrete placement.

What about THRAK? I have never been happy with the mix of that album - in some places a bit muddy, strange pans, irritating level choices, thin sounding. Although it has some great musical moments, of course. Maybe a completely new stereo mix? :phones

I'll continue to make information available as I get it (as well as permission to repeat it) and you'll probably read all about it on QQ first of course!!

And our appreciation for this is beyond anything. (y) :banana:
No, they will not be in the Video_TS. The LPCM streams are to be 24/48 only........
Thanks Neil. :smokin

BTW do you know if there's any way to find out if a particular dvd-video player is truncating bits or down-rezzing (96 to 48kHz)? I've always assumed only really cheap players did that, but knowing how some companies try to build their players as cheaply as possibly nowadays, maybe even "good" brands do that now.
First up, Here's the details for RED:

DVD-A Content


2)Fallen Angel
3)One More Red Nightmare
6)Fallen Angel (Trio version, instrumental)
7)Providence (Full version)
8)A Voyage to the Centre of the Cosmos

All this track will be play at once by default or main album tracks (1-5) are separated from the "bonuses"?
One of the fascinating things about KC is that they are not all the same.
What I have here so far seems like several different bands all using the same name - and it's awesome as a result.
I think you will like them.

Even if I don't listen to them much I never mind adding quality music to my collection. In a few years I might pop one of them in and find it to be my new favorite. I have heard ITCOTCK a few times and like it, the other two will be new. I'm very much looking forward to these.
Even if I don't listen to them much I never mind adding quality music to my collection. In a few years I might pop one of them in and find it to be my new favorite. I have heard ITCOTCK a few times and like it, the other two will be new. I'm very much looking forward to these.

I would be very surprised if you don't like Red very much. (y)

Is the stereo on the DVD-A mastered by you or by Simon Heyworth?

All Stereo content is - as always - mastered by Simon Heyworth.

All this track will be play at once by default or main album tracks (1-5) are separated from the "bonuses"?

What album are we talking about here? In General, the main album is Group 1 (both Stereo & Surround , PGC Block authored) and additional material is in subsequent groups.

Thanks Neil. :smokin

BTW do you know if there's any way to find out if a particular dvd-video player is truncating bits or down-rezzing (96 to 48kHz)? I've always assumed only really cheap players did that, but knowing how some companies try to build their players as cheaply as possibly nowadays, maybe even "good" brands do that now.

Hard to tell. Check Player Setup - some will have an option to switch the Sampling Rate to 48 or 96KHz. No switch is almost a guarantee you are getting 48KHz output. Ditto bit depth. I also thought this was no longer happening, but it is - I have a new Cambridge Audio player that only outputs LPCM as 16-bits. It also has an option to downsample, and the truncation is not readily audible but the SRC certainly is. It makes the sound somewhat brittle, so we avoided the problem.

I can add to this reasoning that the 24/96 in the DVD-A section can be (and will be) losslessly compressed so it takes much less space than the uncompressed (L)PMC would take in the DVD-V section.

Exactly so.

Thanks for all the detailed information. This raises another question however, are these by any change regio coded? Or are there PAL versions (as opposed to the expected NTSC). I know it seem unlikely but why else 3 different masters?

All masters are from the same builds folder. All NTSC, Region 0, 16:9 aspect ratio (apart from Video footage which is "as supplied").
Why 3 different masters? 3 different replication plants, 3 sets of Glass Masters.

What about THRAK? I have never been happy with the mix of that album - in some places a bit muddy, strange pans, irritating level choices, thin sounding. Although it has some great musical moments, of course. Maybe a completely new stereo mix? :phones

You'll be happy to know that THRAK is also on my list.:smokin
USA is looking likely too - new surround & 2 stereo versions plus who knows what else in the bonus bits. Earthbound (despite having a storming version of 21st Century Schizoid Man) is extremely unlikely to be redone as the original is a tape (as in Cassette) source in stereo only. :(

More as I get the details.....
Wow, to have TGD in SUrround (Multis exist)
Absent Lovers !!!(Are there Multis of these?

I can't understand why TCOL is not on the list...oh, welll
Wow, to have TGD in SUrround (Multis exist)
Absent Lovers !!!(Are there Multis of these?

I can't understand why TCOL is not on the list...oh, welll

1 - That would be cool, wouldn't it.
2 - No idea.
3 - Just because something isn't on the list now does not necessarily mean things will remain that way. I don't know where this is going to stop, and neither does anyone else right now (this is why there will be no special "collectors boxes" to save up the releases in, or a special "get them all in one big box" deal)

Keep your fingers crossed & hope for the best. I'd love TGD in full surround - the 2 tracks I do have from it (both on RED) are amazing.
Neil, I know this has probably been said before, but thank you for your time to post updates and for your work in the field. I wish we could replicate you along with those KC discs...

I'm so excited about these releases!
Neil, I know this has probably been said before, but thank you for your time to post updates and for your work in the field. I wish we could replicate you along with those KC discs...
Exactly my thoughts :)

And if there wasn't this big KC DVD-A project, I'd feel depressed about non-classical music in high-rez... there is less and less hoping, the number of releases is narrowing down at a frightening rate.
Exactly my thoughts :)

And if there wasn't this big KC DVD-A project, I'd feel depressed about non-classical music in high-rez... there is less and less hoping, the number of releases is narrowing down at a frightening rate.

There are plans afoot to remedy this.....;)