Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Fantastic Atmos mix on this one, lots of discrete acoustic guitars in the height speakers and even some fun swirling bits. Great music too - sort of sounds like a modern, heavier Moody Blues?
A little Sisters Of Mercy and original Pink Floyd in there as well on the first track.
Is it me or is the last Apple tv 4k update made the handshake issue even worst than before?
It now takes my Apple device 3-4 seconds for a track to start playing.
Yesterday I found this neckband on the Sony website Buy SRS-NS7 Wireless Neckband Speaker | Default Value | Sony Store Online | Sony UK
and wondered if any of my fellow QQ friends have any knowledge or experience of it's capability. On the one hand it looks very quirky but then again might be an amazing way to personalise Atmos. To be fair to Sony this does seem the result of 'thinking out of the box' and not for everyone! I definitely could not think of getting it without a demo but it might be brilliant whilst I work in my home office. Any (well...most) comments welcome. 😀
Reminds me of the Bone Fone from the late 1970's! Seems like it was the prototype for this SONY Neckband Speaker.
Nice to meet you again. The playlist mentionned in the post is this one:

Otherwise I have been collecting a few albums I like in my private playlist. I create a smart playlist based on the keyword "atmos" in the commnet, so when I see a track I like, I add it to my library, then get info and add the word Atmos in the comments. It adds it automatically to the smart playlist. I can later create other smart playlist this way.

I also have recently released a few albums in spatial audio in Apple music and I have a few more to release (they are in my bandcamp subscriber section in binaural for the moment).
Thank you! Sorry/Not sorry that the ”only” things that will be new on this list for me are your own tracks. I’m super excited to check them out, thank you for sharing.

Fantastic Atmos mix on this one, lots of discrete acoustic guitars in the height speakers and even some fun swirling bits. Great music too - sort of sounds like a modern, heavier Moody Blues?
I may be high, but I'm loving this in Atmos! mindblowing. They remind me of Swans.
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Thank you! Sorry/Not sorry that the ”only” things that will be new on this list for me are your own tracks. I’m super excited to check them out, thank you for sharing.
Many thanks, and if you know of any track I should add to this playlist please let me know.

Found 2 more tracks from George Harrisson that I added to the playlist
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I may be high, but I'm loving this in Atmos! mindblowing. They remind me of Swans.
Yeah, isn't it great! Had high expectations, but the album is even better than I hoped for. And what an excellent atmos mix! Very creative and playfull. Wonder how did it? No credits on Tidal. Well done by Steve Kilbey and the rest of the band! Who would have thought 35 years after Under the Milky Way they deliver one of the best rock albums so far this year. 😉
Yeah, isn't it great! Had high expectations, but the album is even better than I hoped for. And what an excellent atmos mix! Very creative and playfull. Wonder how did it? No credits on Tidal. Well done by Steve Kilbey and the rest of the band! Who would have thought 35 years after Under the Milky Way they deliver one of the best rock albums so far this year. 😉
totes! big contender for best of the year. @Oldschoolsoundengineer
Reminds me of the Bone Fone from the late 1970's! Seems like it was the prototype for this SONY Neckband Speaker.
Thanks for the link - interesting background. I gather there is another non-Atmos neckband from Sony and one from Panasonic. Also found a couple of reviews which gave 3 of 5 stars. I am undecided on it but it is available from some stores so I might be able to demo it and then say "No!" or be very surprised. I'll update this post if and when I find out if it is the holy grail of personal Atmos!
Yeah, isn't it great! Had high expectations, but the album is even better than I hoped for. And what an excellent atmos mix! Very creative and playfull. Wonder how did it? No credits on Tidal. Well done by Steve Kilbey and the rest of the band! Who would have thought 35 years after Under the Milky Way they deliver one of the best rock albums so far this year. 😉
It's a very good mix, but the the music is not entirely in my ally, but well worth a listen for the Atmos alone. :)

Fantastic Atmos mix on this one, lots of discrete acoustic guitars in the height speakers and even some fun swirling bits. Great music too - sort of sounds like a modern, heavier Moody Blues?
I think I might found out who mixed it. According to the band's web site,
Home | The Church, the album is mixed by Darrel Thorp. No mentioning of another engineer for the immersive mix, but I can't see any reason why he didn't do the Atmos mix:
Another fun fact: He was assistant engineer on Beck's Sea Change. I am guessing he has heard Elliot Scheiner's 5.1 a few times. Not the worst reference. :)
Don't think I've seen this one discussed here yet. Great song from an underrated album by an often overlooked band. I checked Tidal, and it turns out none other than GREG PENNY of Elton John mixing fame was responsible for creating the mix on this!!! The instrumentation on the song isn't very dense, but Penny does a great job in laying it out.. I wish he would do the whole album like this, but it isn't very popular aside from that single so it's not very likely.. I can still dream...
Listening now to The Church-The Hypnogogue.
I like probably most only have The Church-Starfish in my collection.
This is real good. Great big sound. Atmos is powerful.
One small disappointment is vocals, seem a touch to recessed. There is no center channel action so vocals come via front left and right speakers.
I turned up both front and left 2db each and helped, a song like Track 3-I think I Knew when music goes quiet then no problem. Also reading lyrics as the song goes, without lyrics I would be straining to hear lyrics. Track 3-Flickering Lights vocals better again in the softer spots. Maybe I should finish the listen before commenting, but first Track 1 & Track 2 where hard for me, vocal wise.
But as streaming Atmos goes, really great!
EDIT: Finished complete listen and for the most part I do think the release benefited by the db levels being raised at front left and right, for vocals only. All systems are different, so this info likely just for me. Really good Atmos release, most importantly music and lyrics.
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