Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Am I the only one going batshit about this?! This is an absolutely massive discovery in my book. A quintessential 80s album! Wow!!

Listening on my living room 5.1 system right now and 2 tracks in, sadly, it feels like this could have been done better. I'll reserve final judgement until I've had a chance to listen 2-3 times in peace on both my systems and, most importantly, without a babbling kid running in circles around me :-D
I have to say that it's quite an "old" Atmox mix.
Old in terms of this thread that is updated daily.
I heard it a few months ago and It's definitely NOT fake or stereo with echo.
It's a great Atmos/surround mix. Just listen to the end of "Sounds like a melody". It's bonkers!
tears for fears 'i believe' just appeared in dolby atmos on apple music. hope this is a hint that the whole 'songs from the big chair' will be available soon.

What an odd choice to release this track. But I'm not complaining.
I just got the SDE Blu-ray of "The Hurting" and now I want more :)
Am I the only one going batshit about this?! This is an absolutely massive discovery in my book. A quintessential 80s album! Wow!!

It has been on Apple Music for at least a year now (perhaps first mentioned by @IMachine) but I think it was part of the initial spatial / Atmos launch in June 2021.

Whichever, I have listened to it frequently for a while now and thought it was originally created for but eventually dropped from the super deluxe edition of 2019.

A decent mix which I would like to own a hard copy of.
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g mix. Never heard of this guy but WOW!
I have to say that it's quite an "old" Atmox mix.
Old in terms of this thread that is updated daily.
I heard it a few months ago and It's definitely NOT fake or stereo with echo.
It's a great Atmos/surround mix. Just listen to the end of "Sounds like a melody". It's bonkers!
Thanks! I got through track 4 (To Germany with Love) yesterday and when almost nothing happened in the rears, I threw in the towel disappointed. There's a ton of potential for surround mixing in that one song alone. I'll listen through the whole album to give it a fairer shake.
For anybody interested in Alphaville - Forever Young, I wasn't being fair to this mix on first impression and I should have waited and listened to this properly before judging, as I initially planned. First, the sound quality is awesome, it's clear and punchy and does this album justice. The bass is a real joy, I mean the beginning of Big in Japan has to have strong bass and boy, does it deliver.

After listening carefully on my 5.1 systems, I can say this is a quite uneven experience mix-wise. I know this album very well, I've owned it for easily 25 years and in many parts, I wonder why they didn't move this or that element to another speaker. Like I mentioned before, "To Germany with Love" had to much potential, especially in the last third. Yet, it's only little better than stereo. They left potential on the floor in "Lies", too.

Still, don't let my nagging distract you. There are consistent highlights on this one, so for every low point, you can always look forward to the next joyful moment. Sounds Like a Melody is a massive stand-out, yes. Also, play the opening moments of "In the Mood" for another example of how good this can get.

So, I'd say this is an easy 7 or 8, even though it would probably dip to somewhere around 5 in my book if the music and sound quality were any less sublime.
While the LG and even Windows 10/11 support Atmos, if the Tidal app isn’t designed to permit Atmos streaming through “unsupported” devices, then you will not see any Atmos tags or get Atmos playback on these devices.
But I do get Atmos tags and playback on these devices. It's just that Atmos listings do not appear in a simple band search.
StunninView attachment 92862g mix. Never heard of this guy but WOW!

I think the aggressive mix makes a little more sense when you consider the producer and mixer (of the stereo version at least) is Dave Fridmann, who masterminded the absolutely bonkers Flaming Lips 5.1 mixes.
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