Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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You should’ve read the whole article :~)
Read through it all, and no doubt high res immersive surround would be incredible, but seems like stakeholders are taking their sweet time with roll out. Bandwidth wise, high res surround is not a problem in 2023. Maybe 10 years ago would be difficult but with gig speeds no issue. I wish Apple would push an update to ATV4k to pass up to 192/24.
Read through it all, and no doubt high res immersive surround would be incredible, but seems like stakeholders are taking their sweet time with roll out. Bandwidth wise, high res surround is not a problem in 2023. Maybe 10 years ago would be difficult but with gig speeds no issue. I wish Apple would push an update to ATV4k to pass up to 192/24.
How much more a month would you pay Apple Music for lossless ATMOS? 192/24 stereo?
A few non-classical things show up that sound intriguing like a 5.1 mix of the Stevie Nicks 'Stand Back' collection

dabl & soundgals: Wow this is huge news but I cant get 5.1 myself... maybe because I don't have the playback capability. What complete platform are you using to play it back? As mentioned my only link to my HT is Mconnect... but I bet you guys are using roon or something that has a Qobuz server built in.