Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Does anyone else have the issue where the Apple Music app won’t add an atmos version of an album to your library if you’ve already got a ripped personal copy in my your library?

I’ve tried this over multiple albums pearl jam , rage against the machine and now Muse.

I’ve previously ripped my old cd collection and now there’s atmos mixes I want to add to my collection.

When I hit the + button on an atmos version it looks like it adds it as normal and shows the download button but after around 2 seconds the + button appears again.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this other than slightly modifying the album name or data in the music app on a Mac?


  • RPReplay_Final1700254061.mp4
    4.9 MB
really enjoying this, more active Surround than i was expecting! 😍

hope it doesn't get lost amidst the Beatles, Zappa, etc., 🙏😎🤞

edit: oo-er.. 👀 something weird happening to the vocals on "Sing For Absolution"..!? 🤷🏻‍♀️

if it's intentional, i don't like it!! 😅😂

edit: it's like phasing or dropouts or something where lead vocals flutter about the speakers.. doesn't always happen everytime you play the track, sometimes they're more centred, sometimes over to the left. maybe it's just a glitch of some kind? only happens in Atmos 🙄
actually to me sounds really bad, only the songs with very few instruments like 'blackout' are acceptable, but when drums / bass / guitar kicks in i find the mix so messy i prefer the stereo version.
at first i thought i had a problem with my speakers, but other albums play just fine.
maybe sounds good with headphones, don't know as i listen to dolby atmos only with a speakers setup.
frankly one of the worst spatial atmos i have heard, and i know this album very well as muse used to be one of my favourite new bands at the time, saw them many times live.
the 5.1 edition of 'the resistance' album was good, this one to me not really.
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Does anyone else have the issue where the Apple Music app won’t add an atmos version of an album to your library if you’ve already got a ripped personal copy in my your library?

I’ve tried this over multiple albums pearl jam , rage against the machine and now Muse.

I’ve previously ripped my old cd collection and now there’s atmos mixes I want to add to my collection.

When I hit the + button on an atmos version it looks like it adds it as normal and shows the download button but after around 2 seconds the + button appears again.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this other than slightly modifying the album name or data in the music app on a Mac?
Not sure you can. I just end up deleting the album from my library and re-adding.
It's a pain especially if you use playlists.
Sorry but had to report this for offensive language, with me being a drummer and all. Sacrilege to just cut great drummers like Omar Hakim off a record!! (n)

My brother is a drummer in a jazz fusion his reply did include some ripe language!!

He's an Atmos man a very similar set up to mine...7.2.4
I should know, I installed it :geek:
I guess this means the album wasn't actually remixed for surround, which is disappointing. They did a really great job on the surround mix for The Resistance and Will of the People.
i wrote the following comment on muse facebook post for ‘absolution’ 20th anniversary and got a like from the singer matt bellamy, so i guess now he will give at least a listen. to me was better not to release it at all. i have been intentionally vague in the post:

“looks like something went wrong when you uploaded the spatial audio version on apple music, it sounds too bad to be real (no central channel or subwoofer, mixed up channels). listened on a 7.2.4 system with speakers, where 'will of the people' sounds great, like the 5.1 version of 'the resistance' in the limited boxset.”

Dolby Audio is back with this update