Listening to Now In SACD Stereo (or Mono)


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EXCELLENT STEREO SACD REMASTER and according to MoFi they're only pressing 2000 SACDs! Sounds great on my system utilizing the DSP "SUPER" mode!
Hey Ralphie,
MOFI is back in business for Simon and Garfunkle.
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Simon and Garfunkel - Bookends

Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends1$29.99
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Estimated taxes$2.88
TotalUSD $42.86

Santana - Santana

Already own the MoFi SACD of this album.
Does this Japanese version sound better in stereo?
Sounds very good, different for sure, but better… my gut reaction is to say no

Great album though and an iconic album cover IMO.
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Simon & Garfunkle-Bookends
Stereo MOFI SACD #209
Ripped DSF file DSD64. DR's are 11's, 12's, 15, 21. Track 5-Voices Of Old People DR 21, don't think I have ever seen a 21 before.

I have never owned this album before, it is actually quite weird, way different than I would have thought.
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I suspect the voices recorded in the nursing home were done so on a cassette recorder. Weird, Indeed, Markie. A DR of 21 [?????]