Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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thank you for resurrecting this one! 😻
i have no idea why i was underwhelmed before!? 🀯
not only is the album brilliant and musicianship dazzling, the surround mix is excellent 🎷🎺πŸ₯πŸ€©
i wonder if there'd be enough interest for a Poll? 🧐 i'd vote.. high.. :smokin
oh Thank Heavens! Your initial reaction had me afeared I was having pre-dawn aural hallucinations! I'd love a poll! I'd be high as a mug! And prolly a little higher for Buster, who also deserves a poll. I'm still in my jazz mood . . . and I really am in a fog

a V e l v e t & BRASS fog
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oh Thank Heavens! Your initial reaction had me afeared I was having pre-dawn aural hallucinations! I'd love a poll! I'd be high as a mug! And prolly a little higher for Buster, who also deserves a poll. I'm still in my jazz mood . . . and I really am in a fog

View attachment 44062 a V e l v e t & BRASS fog

you're relieved!! i'm verklempt!! all these years i coulda been living the lush life with Buster and Joe..!!! 🀣

this foggy bossy brassy number's yet another surround title i seriously need to reappraise.. Velvet throated Mel and the rest of the Concord SACDs came along at a rather full-on time in my life (just between birth and death) so it kinda got overlooked.. but the wrong will be righted, i will endeavour to plough through every Concord Surround SACD i have over the holidays and make sure i play their Christmas selections on December the 25th πŸŽ…πŸΌπŸŽ„
..and if you don't play it now,
Vettel'll never break Lewis' chain! 🏎

i'd love to watch it but i've cancelled Sky, desperado times call for desperado beer measures! 🀣
Oh Dear Adam
You are going through a rough patch.
Things will pick up again soon I hope.
Always the eternal optimist me.
Had one or two knocks myself recently (Kids eh!!)
But there is always someone out there, who has it worse...
Just gotta keep smiling through it all. :)
I've just renegotiated my contract to half of what they normally charge !!!!….
Can't do without it, as I watch soooo much sport!!

Oh Dear Adam
You are going through a rough patch.
Things will pick up again soon I hope.
Always the eternal optimist me.
Had one or two knocks myself recently (Kids eh!!)
But there is always someone out there, who has it worse...
Just gotta keep smiling through it all. :)
I've just renegotiated my contract to half of what they normally charge !!!!….
Can't do without it, as I watch soooo much sport!!


a glass half-full charged to your good health Mr.King 🍻😻

here's to a top 2020 in surround! πŸ€©πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸΎ
Buster Williams' Griot LibertΓ©

sounds even better than the Joe Henderson, so vivid its like the whole lot of 'em are in my little room.. except i couldn't fit more than Buster and his bass in here! bravo for the nudge Clem, you're a highly polished gem! πŸ’Ž
ahh.. time to crack open another Sunday afternoon corker methunks.. 🍸😘
freddie, my man! adam again! i can't tell you how much joy it gives me to read this. ain't it the truth about griot liberte!? methinks it's the shit . . . or is that the tits . . . perhaps da bomb . . . maybe all that and a bag of chips . . . ? phuquing idiomatic ejaculations--i can't keep 'em straight, let alone get 'em going gaily forward! suffice it t say that Mr. Williams's effort is, for today, my favorite jazz title. i'm so glad you were able to finally see the glorious beauty in both discs. seriously, how in the funk does one get a poll started 'round here? ima stay in that Sunday jazz groove, and this one actually has a poll


getting down with Ray Brown Monty Alexander Russell Malone! All you pollster's (self included!), throw this disc a bone--read what i wrote: VOTE!
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