Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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musically nice but was fairly underwhelmed by the surround on this when i first got it.. having since learned of Sony's hi-res hi-jinks i wouldn't be at all surprised if the MultiCh on the SACD isn't all that faithful to the old Quad mix after all.. 🤔
right said, fred--i pulled the trigger because on the thread it was classified as discrete. williams is certainly front and center, but the rears appear to be merely a replication of the orchestra in the fronts. turning off the rears did distinctly alter my experience, making me feel . . . well, less surrounded! Less in a space getting lost in the music. And the music is stellar. And speaking of stellar

Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia

It was no little feat to find this one--i had to lace up my sailing shoes and walk patiently for quite some time . . . worth the travel
Yeah, I like it alot, not a surround power house, (I would vote 9) but very big sound with melancholy music is real nice.

I was thinking to myself while listening to it how I would've mixed the album in surround. Some poor mixing choices, IMO, but very melodic, soothing and a welcome relief from the bombast of the day!

See the source image