Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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hi guys I was at a used record store today, first I have a 7.2 surround sound yamaha rx v 577 and I am using an audio techinca at 440ML A with 20 to 20 htz,

the two albums I bought the first one was a quadardisc in cd-4 discrete the doobie brothers what were once vices and now habits. and for some reason it did not sound the same as I remember it,

then I bought werner muller plays leroy anderson on the old phase 4 stereo, so my question are the phase 4 in true quad or sq matrix.

and the doobie brothers I bought what were once vices are now habits, would that AT 440MLA track it as true quad discrete or not.

would I need a cd-4 demodulater hooked up to my RXV 577 as I am using the dolby pro logic II music to decode any more I liks to get

and answer.


hi guys I was at a used record store today, first I have a 7.2 surround sound yamaha rx v 577 and I am using an audio techinca at 440ML A with 20 to 20 htz,

the two albums I bought the first one was a quadardisc in cd-4 discrete the doobie brothers what were once vices and now habits. and for some reason it did not sound the same as I remember it,

then I bought werner muller plays leroy anderson on the old phase 4 stereo, so my question are the phase 4 in true quad or sq matrix.

and the doobie brothers I bought what were once vices are now habits, would that AT 440MLA track it as true quad discrete or not.

would I need a cd-4 demodulater hooked up to my RXV 577 as I am using the dolby pro logic II music to decode any more I liks to get

and answer.


FYI - Phase 4 stereo is..... Stereo not quad...

For the Doobies, CD-4 you need a CD-4 demodulator and a suitable cartridge (not sure if your cartridge is suitable - or not)
thanks for the answer lizardking the phase 4 listening to it on a surround sound in the dolby prologic II the sound seems to separate good. and on the dobbie bros. it louds like a narrow mix,. but the sound does separate unless that is sumluated quad sound.


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US Q8 back

Introspection (I) - Thijs Van Leer SQ US
If you love his work in Focus, you'll likely love this. It isn't rock, however, it is CLASSICAL! I have a US SQ LP, a US Q8 and a UK CD of this. The US SQ and Q8 have different cover art. The Euro SQ has the same artwork as the US Q8. If you like this, there is Introspection II and III. You need to hunt for the SQ markings on those, which have no Q8 equivalents.

Puccini: La Boheme - Caballe, Domingo, Milnes, Solti/London Philharmonic 2 CD-4 I'm a big Solti fan. I had season subscriptions to the CSO when he was conductor. Also attended his gala celebration w/Pavarotti, Kiri Te Kanawa, etc.

Intensity - John Klemmer QS A most passionate sax player! From suburban Morton Grove, IL. He also played on the Don Ellis Orchestra's wonderful Autumn album, some of which was featured on a PBS live concert from Tanglewood.

#1's - Elvis (RIP) DVD-A Variable mixes, many up-mixes. HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE OOP. Despite the sticker, it plays on the stereo in my convertible, although it plays DTS-CD's and DVD-V's, too. :sun

Tears of Joy - Don Ellis Orchestra (RIP) 2 SQ (not released on Q8). Not your Dad's orchestra, this one has electrified instruments and time signatures like 7/8 and 16/32. Try dancing to it!?! ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. Is a large orchestra in Quad a great mix? What do you think?? I've owned this on 2 2ch LP and 2 CD. The 2 LP SQ is THE ONE to own! Sadly, I never saw this orchestra or Don Ellis live in the day, although they may be my favorite jazz act. And I'm a large jazz fan. I had tickets for a Don Ellis combo date in Chicago, but it was cancelled, due to Don's heart attack. If you like this guy, be sure to pick up the 2009 DVD-V documentary Electric Heart.

Beethoven: Symphonies 4 & 5 - Barenboim/Berliner Staatskapelle DVD-A I've owned these works on many individual CD's. I've also owned them as an LP box and CD box of the '70's recordings by Von Karajan/Berlin Philharmonic, and DDD 80's CD box by Von Karajan/Berlin. I might still prefer the 60's and 70's VK/Berlin, these are damn good and wonderful fidelity. Yes, all 9 symphonies are available as DVD-A 5.1 by Barenboim/Berliner Staatskapelle. I also had season subscriptions to the CSO when Barenboim was conductor.

Partch: World of Harry Partch (RIP) SQ Not for everyone, but one of my favorite Quads. Modern classical music, Harry even invented the instruments. To my knowledge, this album has never been officially released on CD. THIS ISN'T A GREATEST HITS ALBUM, nor are the instruments electronic. I strongly recommend this record and the 2ch 2 LP Delusion of the Fury, originally on Columbia, as well on 2ch (no Quad, sorry) Innova CD, both of which I own.
Kinobe - VerseBridgeChorus? (SACD)
John Mayer - Room for Squares (SACD)
It's finally warm enough to use my second set-up in the huge attic. Almost no room with lots of wood and a fake 7.1 sound makes one helluva difference - so much detail, so much air, wonderful transparence! What's already good down at my apartment sounds great now, and what's not so hot now clearly shows where the weakness dwells...
TP & the HB - DTT BD

these are the times I wished I lived in a detached house with a soundproof studio/room (instead of an apt.) , so I could CRANK THE SHIT UP!!!!!!....
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Screen shot 2015-03-20 at 6.19.22 PM.png Got the Doobie Bros The Captain and Me DVD-A before the sub and it just never clicked with me, almost gave up on it. Thing is, I still need to dial the sub up a bit, which is rarely necessary, but now it's a repeat play!
Dark, brooding, abstract and very intense modern orchestral piece composed by Friedrich Cerha in 1950/60s. At times frightening, but fascinating and moving music. As with most Mch SACDs from Kairos, it is very immersive. Highly recommended, especially for anyone who likes other modern composers such as György Ligeti (2001 A Space Odyssey soundtrack).


Here's a little more info for anyone interested.
Mr. Eric Clapton - Reptile. Perfect late on a Friday after work with a little red wine. There is a time for everything and definitely a time for every dvd audio.
At home for friends, as well as in my store when it was new, I loved to play the first track, which is instrumental, and ask "guess who this is?" No one ever got it right.

A wonderful DVD-A.

Mr. Eric Clapton - Reptile. Perfect late on a Friday after work with a little red wine. There is a time for everything and definitely a time for every dvd audio.
At home for friends, as well as in my store when it was new, I loved to play the first track, which is instrumental, and ask "guess who this is?" No one ever got it right.

A wonderful DVD-A.

I have been sittin' on the fence with this one for months!!

Thanks for pushing me OFF! LOL! :kitty: