Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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hehehe - yeah. Speaking of Bachman...would be nice to get a hi-rez release of BTO!

Yeah! BTO in 5.1 hi rez, love it!

"And if your train's on time
You can get to work by nine
And start your slaving job to get your pay!"

AF are you listening?
Lute: absolutely great disc Gloryland.. Will have some time to listen to it again on the weekend first two listens just great stuff.

Right now listening to Blackfield live in NewYork. Holy crap this disc grows on you..not the greatest surround and I wish aviv left his shirt on but still great stuff. Not at what I expected much more rockin live..
lmao - nice...

That's my feeling too...I keep waiting for more RUSH releases...

They're missing a big opportunity to not do more 5.1 HFPA Blu-Ray releases for RUSH besides "A Farewell to Kings" and "Signals" this year, but it seems all of the other albums' tapes are out of reach (or so the legend goes…) :(