Joe Satriani - Strange Beautiful Music - SACD 5.1
Joe Satriani - Strange Beautiful Music - SACD 5.1
Joe Satriani - Strange Beautiful Music - SACD 5.1
Ghost Community (5.1 Flac downloaaaaaaadddd on the dowwwwwwwwn lowwwwww)
Better than Ezra.
No, hang on, better than Kiama.
(and I quite liked Kiama in 5.1 how's that for a ringing endorsement! )
after few years of break, listened to "War of the Worlds".
pretty good albeit my previous thought from 10 or so years back that this particular release could much more benefited from being issued as DVD-A with cool done slideshow on the theme, still valid.
c'mon, in 2005?"the chances of anything coming from Sony on DVD-A..
were a million to one, he said..
...but still they come..."
c'mon, in 2005?
anyway still amazing how not heavy weight celebs of industry but rather two humble guys Neil and Steven laid changes in philosophy of mega corporation.
i guess Sony wouldn't lose anything by re-releasing this on BD-A supplying the sound with great, comic alike, slideshow. i would re-purchase such version, no doubt.