kap'n krunch
2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Get well soon hugs for ((((((((((((((( Mrs. Krunch ))))))))))))))))
remember it's lower case "k"
you rock!
Get well soon hugs for ((((((((((((((( Mrs. Krunch ))))))))))))))))
Get well soon hugs for ((((((((((((((( Mrs. Krunch ))))))))))))))))
lower case "k" please....un abrazo!!!
Mirage - Fleetwood Mac (5.1)
This is not perfect...not sure if it's as good as TUSK, but nonetheless, I love it. It's surround, and it sounds great. I want more, and I'm so pleased to have this nice box set for my collection. Value will only go UP.![]()
I'm pretty sure Clint had pre-ordered this...UGH. Whatever he is doing, I hope he can enjoy this release. Get well Clint, my friend!!![]()
Rufusized - Rufus Featuring Chaka Khan (Quad)
(finally getting to the QS stuff and whizzing it thru the diddy box from the land of Oz.. phew!)
Chaka Khan, :banana: Chaka Khan.......GREAT stuff, Adam blue. I WANT it on QUAD SACD........NOW!
QS = QUAD Souffle!
Quad Souffle! I like that!
hmm.. how about an SQ Savoy Quad Truffle? or a CD4 cake with 4 candles on it? (four candles..?? no..!! fork handles..!!)
(you know what I'm going to say about Chaka's QS souffle, Ralph.. surprise surprise.."it decodes really well thru the Surround Master".. hehe.. wish I'd done the QS stuff before the SQ and got it over and done with tbh, though I never intended for SQ to take over my life in quite the way it did.. there's sadly too few records I really want in the QS format, that I'm aware of at least, I think I need to do a bit of research into it because I'm really enjoying these QS jobs more than I remembered when I first started playing around with them around a year or so ago.. but of course I'd love it if these fab albums like the Rufus Quads could be done on SACD fresh from the 4-channel master tapes.. maybe one day someone will make it happen.. meantime, me homemade jobs will have to do..