2K Club - QQ Super Nova
I don't have this disc yet, but what are the problems on Song 2?
There is a (record) scratching sound...its an effect that's in the doesn't bother me.
I don't have this disc yet, but what are the problems on Song 2?
I don't have this disc yet, but what are the problems on Song 2?
Like Lizard's a scratching sound...almost like a vinyl's inherent in the production as it's found in the CD also...I used to just skip that song to avoid's not one of my favorite songs on the disc...I see you mentioned on another thread that you are expecting to be "wowed"...I'm not sure you will be...based on your impressions of other discs..this one will be a challenge for you....I mean in a "style"/genre way...this presents several styles on this one's pretty diverse and a LONG way from progressive music..I do hope you like it...I loved it at first blush but some songs were a challenge for me..but songs like El Paso and Vanishing Point are just so good it elevates the whole album...I will be interested to see how you feel about it...I'm guessing you will give it a 7 in the poll...we will see...
I don't have this disc yet, but what are the problems on Song 2?
Are you sure it's not Gentle Giant?
View attachment 18524
WoW! Just got it. Fantastic surround mix and nice little accompanying video on this BD-A! I like how Steven Wilson spreads the vocals out among the speakers...sometimes center, sometimes wide in the L/R fronts, sometimes front with strong reverb in the rears. This really helps to enhance their offbeat vocals. And the hip, beatnik jazzy angle to this Prog Rock is great fun. Thanks a lot for the gentle nudge! :brew
WoW! Just got it. Fantastic surround mix and nice little accompanying video on this BD-A! I like how Steven Wilson spreads the vocals out among the speakers...sometimes center, sometimes wide in the L/R fronts, sometimes front with strong reverb in the rears. This really helps to enhance their offbeat vocals. And the hip, beatnik jazzy angle to this Prog Rock is great fun. Thanks a lot for the gentle nudge! :brew
Relayer from Yes which was good, but not GG good.
You may want to pick up "The Yes Album". It really is the best sounding of the three YES surround releases, released, so far.
My one looks like that....
I believe your one is the US release which looks slightly different: