Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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Now that's a coincidence, I was looking for more info on a stand alone blu ray version of RUSH AFTK and stumbled into this thread. I've been away for a while and still haven't gotten a feel for the new format. Thanks Wavelength.

The previous stand alone blu ray of AFTK is not the one you's not very good....the new version on blu ray mixed by Steven Wilson is only available in the box set HERE
The Guess Who - Road Food & #10 on SACD in quad.... just got this one today, so first listen. After a quick trip through I think I like the audio presentation better on #10 vs Road Food, especially the low end, though they’re both head and shoulders above the “Best of” quad from AF. Still play stereo on that one to this day. It’d be great to hear those hits sound like this DV disc. Oh well, loving this one :rocks
Been getting a little down on surround music the last week or so... just not listening to anything satisfying. Chicago Quadio tonight reminded me what I love about surround. All is right again:smokin
I was feeling that way until I caught the highly contagious Dutton-Vocalion bug. ;):love::giggle:

I really wish MORE CLASSICAL MUSIC was recorded like this one. The Pulcinella Suite and Scherzo Fantasique and Symphonies of Wind are wonderfully DISCRETE!!! :51QQ

The heck with hall ambience purists!!! :p:eek::ROFLMAO:;) LOL!!

Igor Stravinsky: Petrouchka, Pulcinella Suite, Scherzo fantastique, Symphonies of Wind Instruments (SACD)

Paul Jacobs (piano)
New York Philharmonic
Pierre Boulez
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Been getting a little down on surround music the last week or so... just not listening to anything satisfying. Chicago Quadio tonight reminded me what I love about surround. All is right again:smokin
I've been starved of any for 4 months! I can't wait to listen to the stack awaiting me when I get home! As much as Little Baggins will allow, anyway. :SG:rocks