Loma "How Will I Live Without A Body?" (6/28) - new album with Steven Wilson Atmos mix


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Staff member
Jan 1, 2010
Washington, D.C.
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Perhaps this could be a candidate for a future SDE Blu-Ray release?

The first single "Pink Sky" is already streaming (great mix, as you'd expect):

Never heard of this band before, but I immediately like their sound. You can hear a second pre-release track, "How It Starts"--not in Atmos--as a standalone single on Apple Music or as part of the album tracklist on Bandcamp:

Oh man, now I'm hoping we can get some SW remixes of Shearwater's back catalogue... Loma is good but Shearwater is another level. If you haven't heard them, try Rook, The Golden Archipelago, Animal Joy, or Jet Plane and Oxbow. Jonathan Meiburg is a true poet.
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Perhaps this could be a candidate for a future SDE Blu-Ray release?

The first single "Pink Sky" is already streaming (great mix, as you'd expect):

Really nice song - Iā€™m getting some cool Beck vibes. Many thanks for the heads up, have booked a ticketā€¦ Steven Wilson and Sub Pop Records is a good combo!
Oh man, now I'm hoping we can get some SW remixes of Shearwater's back catalogue... Loma is good but Shearwater is another level. If you haven't heard them, try Rook, The Golden Archipelago, Animal Joy, or Jet Plane and Oxbow. Jonathan Meiburg is a true poet.
Thanks, I checked out just a few songs from Rook and I see what you mean, very solid music. Will check out more from this band.
Have not heard the band Loma before but checked out the 2 songs and the song,'How it Starts' has this haunting beauty to it. It's like less is more in the their style. This should sound really really good in Atmos. To me it's like a mix of 'The Blue Nile' with 'Goldfrapp' that I hear in what Loma is doing.
I see why Steven Wilson would agree to do this band in Atmos.
Oh man, now I'm hoping we can get some SW remixes of Shearwater's back catalogue... Loma is good but Shearwater is another level. If you haven't heard them, try Rook, The Golden Archipelago, Animal Joy, or Jet Plane and Oxbow. Jonathan Meiburg is a true poet.

THIS!!!! One of my favorite shows was seeing Shearwater in a small bar with a crowd of about twenty people. It was amazing.
I'm unfamiliar with the album or the band, but the title, "How Long Will I Live Without A Body?" cracked me up. Very inventive.
According to an interview the title was generated by AI trained on the work of poet Laurie Anderson.

'The follow-up to 2020ā€™s acclaimed Donā€™t Shy Away, How Will I Live Without a Body? takes its title from artificial intelligence, specifically an AI trained on the work of ā€” with her permission ā€” avant legend Laurie Anderson.

Anderson has frequently dabbled in AI ā€” she worked on an AI chatbox that allowed for ā€œconversationsā€ with her late husband Lou Reed ā€” as well as an AI trained on her own music and lyrics. Loma then had the AndersonAI write poems in response to two photographs they showed it.

ā€œWe used fragments of these poems in [the songs] ā€˜How It Startsā€™ and ā€˜Affinityā€™,ā€ Lomaā€™s Jonathan Meiburg said in a statement. ā€œAnd then [band mate Dan Duszynski] noticed that one of AI-Laurieā€™s lines, ā€˜How will I live without a body?ā€™ would be a perfect name for the album, since weā€™d nearly lost sight of each other in the recording process.ā€'