New Pink Floyd reissues possibly with surround...


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Hello. So, my quandry is whether to get the SACD, or the Immersion with the Blu-Ray. I really don't care about all the extras, just want great sound. Which format should I choose? Help, all QQ'rs, please! Thanks.

If you don't care about the video extras, then I say get the SACD, provided you've got an SACD player.
If you don't care about the video extras, then I say get the SACD, provided you've got an SACD player.

I don't really care about the video extras and I don't really care to pay that much for the blu-ray version, so I ordered the sacd...the sound quality should be very good on the sacd, I imagine.
Well, as I understand it, the SACD will be the new Guthrie mix, as is the current DSOTM SACD.
If you want the 1970's quadraphonic mix of WYWH, you'll have to get the Immersion box.

You could always start with the SACD, and if you decide it's not as good as the old Q8, sell it and get the box.

These "Super Deluxe" box sets selling for $100+ is a real tough way for us to get our surround fixes.
Well said, Jon. And with these two, I am really undecided about which one to get. I have the brilliant DSOTM quad bootleg, and I have a boot of the WYWH quad mix as well. I think I will wait to see what people say about the mixes before I buy anything... I really don't care about coasters, a frickin' scarf and all that crap, but I do like the quad mix of WYWH and if the Guthrie mix isn't significantly better, then I will pick up the BluRay. As for Dark Side... The Alan Parsons quad bootleg out there is seriously awesome. Curious to hear how the transfer on the Immersion set will compare to it, and if it's worth the >100 bucks.
the SACD will be the new Guthrie mix, as is the current DSOTM SACD.
yeah, that's my main concern. SACD version of DSOTM after first listening some
years ago haven't been in player. i much prefer AP version of the mix.
perhaps should wait to hear how differ new mix from original quad by Brian Humphries
before decide which media format i will buy.
I will buy both sets timing it like the stock market, for around $100 each shipped in the next month or so when it happens.. I'll worry about what the hell I Bought later... :phones
Does anyone know if Amazon will eventually be carrying the WYWH SACD? I only ask because I decided to cancel my order from acousticsounds when they refused to combine it with another order (the one with the Cat Stevens SACD still pending) so that I could not waste an extra $7.50 on shipping...not a great company when it comes to pleasing the customer IMHO.
Does anyone know if Amazon will eventually be carrying the WYWH SACD?
lately seems like EMI has distanced itself off SACD format and gave away even such potential as "WYWH" into hands
of third party distributor. question is for how long they will have monopoly on redistribution.
i guess wisest would be to wait. most likely BD will be offered as stand alone print for those who not interested in vynil,
CDs, etc. so far it seems sales shows pretty much consumer's interest and EMI will squeeze out any possible profit which
can be made out of this release.
So, a few people have already received the first Immersion box, do any of you have thoughts, feedback, etc that you're ready to share? We've heard that you can switch between 5.1, 4.0, and 2.0 on the fly on the blu-ray, which is outstanding. Is there anything else unexpected?

How does the quad mix sound on the blu-ray? Better than the DVD-A bootleg?

What sound format did they use (this is just a curiosity)?

Is the surround on the live videos lossless? How about resolution on the stereo track?

Is the scarf warm?
Well, I guess any of us who are itching to drop $110+ to buy an album for the tenth time has lost their marbles already. Maybe the ones included in the box are intended to restock them.
Play the "live at Wembley in 1974 - 2011 Mix" CD through some sort of Matrix decoder and see what you think. I played it through Dolby Pro logic and thought there was an interesting sound stage and effects here and there.
The blu-ray drive on my PC is munching on my disc five so I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm impressed with the box so far. The live disc is excellent and the alternate mix and unused tracks are essential listening for fans of the album. The overall package is very nice. Are there things that I would change? Yeah. I'd ditch the marbles, the coasters, the passes, the collector cards, and the scarf, plus split out into separate DVD and blu-ray editions. (It would have been nice if the blu-ray had included the rest of the extra content from the box in high resolution, too, but that's nitpicking.) But the physical presentation is clean cut and attractive, the booklets are cool, and the lithograph is nice. All in all, it's really a very well made product overall.
I resemble that remark, Analogueghost! It IS my tenth time! So far, so good. Listened to the 5.1 Guthrie on DVD in the car. Just finishing listening to the BD Parsons. Sounds wonderful. I fully expect this will be my preferred version, as the SQ LP once was. I had preferred the 5.1 Guthie SACD, mostly based on fidelity, not the mix. So, Parsons is the first BD mix I played. Great fidelity and no SQuandering of Quad separation from decoding.

There are both pink noise and voice announcements to set the levels for all 6 channels. WAY COOL!

Had to open three of them before I found one that wasn't scratched. LESSON: BUY THIS AT BRICKS & MORTAR LOCATION.

:banana: Immersed

Well, I guess any of us who are itching to drop $110+ to buy an album for the tenth time has lost their marbles already. Maybe the ones included in the box are intended to restock them.
I am so jealous of you all, mine is still in transit, I was drooling over it in the shops yesterday. Also I believe the scarf is polyviscose and acrylic from reading the back packaging several times.