New Pink Floyd reissues possibly with surround...


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Why can't they just make everything in exactly the format I want?!?!?! :)

The great QQ contradiction occurs when we start complaining about not having enough music out there, but then complain as to everything not being exactly the way we want it. Also see: The Caravan thread.

You miss the point, my friend.
The point(s) is/are that
A - Dolby fucking Digital was never and can never be "High Resolution" - it's an oxymoron.
B - I resent getting MUSIC releases in the multichannel equivalent of MP3 when paying premium prices. Recently, against my better judgement, I weakened & bought the 3 oldfield deluxe editions for the surround mixes despite only being in DD, and it sounds as if there is a sack over my speakers compared to even 24/48 lossless. Yet the label saw fit to waste bits that could have been used for DTS streams on a bloody bell rotating on a loop. Like I care!
I am also in the very fortunate position of having heard the 24/48 streams for the caravan album, and it SMOKES the DD completely. It's night & day.
C - why put an illegal bitstream on a DVD (640kbps DD) when there is a perfectly legitimate DTS codec available? I did not understand this thinking with the "Pulse" release either.
It's out of spec, and should not carry the DVD-Video logo either.

I did pre order all 3, but cancelled the wall when I realised there was no 5.1, and gave that as my reason for cancellation to Amazon as well.
that's weird to hear people claim to be audiophile and at same time see how they excited from
listening to "high-resolution" dolby stream and paying big buck for about anything.
you should figure out what do you want - the hi-res audio or MP3 but official, is sufficient for you?
as long as you buy all this crap, which labels feed you, for them there are no necessity to offer out
anything in better quality, period.

This is a really similar situation to what's been going on with Star Wars for the last 15 years, where the artist has obliterated an existing popular version of their work and told the fans to like it. The fans want one thing and the artists want something else. I think there's certainly a solid ethical argument to be made for the audience's rights/cultural ownership of art that's been released to the public and I get really sick of the Randian BS that comes out of the artists when they get overly critical of work they were perfectly happy with 30-40 years ago, but sadly in both of these situations the artists hold all of the cards. This leaves the fans to scurry around in secret trading the best available versions that they can muster and hope they don't get in trouble. That sucks and I don't like it, but that's the way it is.

Pink Floyd and EMI have decided to disown the original quad mixes because Guthrie is their golden boy, but they're half ass-edly throwing us a bone in the form of Dolby. Of course I'm not happy about it and I never said I was, or that it was going to sound anywhere near as good as we all know it could and should. That said, it's not like they're releasing a Dolby only DVD, slapping a $100 sticker on it, and then holding a gun to our heads and forcing us to buy it. The extra audio content in these boxes sounds pretty interesting (except for the snoozer Wall Immersion box), and I look forward to hearing Guthrie's mix of WYWH on the Blu-ray. If anyone decides that they don't want all the extra music and physical crap in the box, they're being given the option of just buying the SACD (yes, I recognize that it's the new mix only), which I actually think is pretty cool of them. I can't think of a reissue like this that's covered that base before (Derek and the Dominos, anyone?). Plus if I don't like the new mix, I've got an entire Blu-ray full of transfers people have made over the last decade from a variety of sources.

You can think I'm an idiot, or that I'm wasting my money, or that I'm letting the fat greedy label or the old out-of-touch artists win or whatever you want. I plan to buy these in the fall and enjoy them, warts and all.
I am also in the very fortunate position of having heard the 24/48 streams for the caravan album, and it SMOKES the DD completely. It's night & day.
Damn! Just when I almost talked myself into really enjoying this release... now what? Re-label the release with a false DVD-A sticker and apply frontal lobotomy? Or any tips where to order The Neuralyzer?

I weakened & bought the 3 oldfield deluxe editions for the surround mixes despite only being in DD, and it sounds as if there is a sack over my speakers compared to even 24/48 lossless.
Neil, thanks for sharing your insight - I was almost pulling the trigger on these three titles.

Well, so much for me keeping things in balance today:)
You miss the point, my friend.
The point(s) is/are that
A - Dolby fucking Digital was never and can never be "High Resolution" - it's an oxymoron.
B - I resent getting MUSIC releases in the multichannel equivalent of MP3 when paying premium prices. Recently, against my better judgement, I weakened & bought the 3 oldfield deluxe editions for the surround mixes despite only being in DD, and it sounds as if there is a sack over my speakers compared to even 24/48 lossless. Yet the label saw fit to waste bits that could have been used for DTS streams on a bloody bell rotating on a loop. Like I care!
I am also in the very fortunate position of having heard the 24/48 streams for the caravan album, and it SMOKES the DD completely. It's night & day.
C - why put an illegal bitstream on a DVD (640kbps DD) when there is a perfectly legitimate DTS codec available? I did not understand this thinking with the "Pulse" release either.
It's out of spec, and should not carry the DVD-Video logo either.

I did pre order all 3, but cancelled the wall when I realised there was no 5.1, and gave that as my reason for cancellation to Amazon as well.

Mine was more of a general comment, Neil. I appreciate you trying to clarify, though. :)
you missed my point. this immersion sets wouldn't be huge market but targeted for pretty small
hardcore fans base who will be willing to spend money. if those base is so dedicated, then they
deserve more respect and better treatment from those artists and respective label, representing
the artists.
if those potential buyers have low self esteem and ready to pick up any throwed to them bone and
even pay for this premium, this isn't my problem because i will not participate in this.
but i can see and understand on the bigger scale the problem, which have arise.
in simple words - if those peasants are happy with what we throw them, why should we go into extra
effort to please them even more
maybe there are too much rebel spirit in me but i refuse to pay for anything which do not met mine demand,
even if it on my fav. list
I did pre order all 3, but cancelled the wall when I realised there was no 5.1, and gave that as my reason for cancellation to Amazon as well.

I doubt this reason for cancellation will be treated any differently than 'I need to save money for my haircut' ;)

(This is only a joke, and not meant to hurt anybody)
This thread would benefit from good old Monty Python scripts next, "I have yet begun to fight....merely a flesh wound....come back you coward...."
Personally I am a Pink Floyd collector as well as a surround audio fan. The Immersion box sets are primarily aimed at the collector, the multichannel offerings are a welcome addition. I am just so pleased they are releasing them at all, reading Nick Mason's comments on the release I think puts it fully into perspective.
you missed my point. this immersion sets wouldn't be huge market but targeted for pretty small
hardcore fans base who will be willing to spend money. if those base is so dedicated, then they
deserve more respect and better treatment from those artists and respective label, representing
the artists.
if those potential buyers have low self esteem and ready to pick up any throwed to them bone and
even pay for this premium, this isn't my problem because i will not participate in this.
but i can see and understand on the bigger scale the problem, which have arise.
in simple words - if those peasants are happy with what we throw them, why should we go into extra
effort to please them even more
maybe there are too much rebel spirit in me but i refuse to pay for anything which do not met mine demand,
even if it on my fav. list

I don't actually think that I missed your point, I think that you missed mine. I'll try to state a little more clearly than I did before, since looking back I think my post got a little sidetracked and murky.

My point is that we are not the only people they made the boxes for. As we're all aware, we're a niche inside of a niche. I think we barely register on their radar as a fan base or a market force. They think that they're catering to us with the WYWH SACD, and I think it's a good effort and a sign of possible better times ahead, but it misses the mark for hardcore surround fans. My read on the boxes (from looking at the content included) is that these were conceived for "Pink Floyd fans who want everything," not for "surround fans who like Pink Floyd and would like to have everything but really want specific things delivered in a specific way." In that light, I don't think that the Floyd fans who plan to buy these regardless of the presence or quality of the original quad mix have low self esteem or are dumb or wasteful, and I don't think that any surround fan who's buying these knowing full well what's on them has low standards, poor judgement, or is a traitor to the cause.

Sadly, I think the way that these myopic, insulated, out of touch label execs see things is that when we don't buy what little they give us, it's not because we aren't happy with the quality and that they need to step it up (which is a common and valid line of thought around these parts), they think that no one's interested and they wasted their time and money giving us anything at all. So, I think that each of us should choose for themselves whether they think there's a good cost/benefit ratio in these boxes, and purchase or abstain accordingly.

If your rebel spirit prevents you from buying these releases, I wish you the best. I see your point of view, and I agree with you to the point of choosing a course of action. That's where we differ.
Time Lord
why do you think that we're trying to pick the fight?
just a friendly exchange of throught and opinions.
differences in views isn't what makes us an humans?

Sadly, I think the way that these myopic, insulated, out of touch label execs see things is that when we don't buy what little they give us, it's not because we aren't happy with the quality and that they need to step it up (which is a common and valid line of thought around these parts), they think that no one's interested and they wasted their time and money giving us anything at all.
what obstructed you to let them know your reasons for not buying?
niche withing niche is not too many and not really hard to be band
together but quite an army with united voice, which cannot be ignored.
Time Lord
why do you think that we're trying to pick the fight?
just a friendly exchange of throught and opinions.
differences in views isn't what makes us an humans?

"if those peasants are happy with what we throw them"

It was the mention of the peasants that got me, I couldn't help but think of Monty Python and The Holy Grail,
imagery of Roger Waters and David Gilmour at the top of the castle throwing their offal at us while we trade insults about which parent was a hamster and which smelled of elderberry......sorry I digress
This is truly better than expected, the desire to 'get it right' clearly exists, work on The Wall in 5.1 in the plans it seems, just Animals in surround on the wish list left
That is GREAT news. Now it's almost worth the cash.

Still wish I ordered when they were $99! :(
Yes it is. Still, I'd like to be able to buy the blurays separately, even though the bonus tracks won't appear on them.
Maybe BestBuy will be blowing these out for $29.99 a year from now!
With Amazon if one order's today and the price end's up lower than it's currant, as of today's price of $129.49 when they do ship, they're very good at giving you the final lower price. I've also noticed at Amazon the price of items will fluctuate up and down after a release. Good news to hear that the Quad mixes with be on the BR.

The Dark Side Of The Moon - Immersion Box Set

Wish You Were Here - Immersion Box Set

Interesting to note at Amazon:

The Dark Side Of The Moon, Alan Parsons Quad Mix (previously released only on vinyl LP/8 track tape in 1973)

Wish You Were Here Quad Mix (previously released only on vinyl LP/8 track tape)

So folks in high places are noticing with care about these Quadraphonic mixes and giving them the due justice they deserve now. Thanks to this website, QQ members and many other folks putting the word out, it's finally happening.
Interesting that they're looking at re-recording parts of "A Momentary Lapse of Reason" in order to "knock the 80's out of it," or whatever. I agree that the majority of 1980's production, with the cavernous drums, plastic guitars, and echoey vocals, hasn't aged well, and that some sort of remixing or remastering would be great. I don't know how I feel about replacing/re-recording keyboard sounds. It's like if George Lucas had added new aliens to the Star Wars' special editions AND removed the old ones. ;)
As they seem to be into creating all these separate editions, why not have a "hi-red edition" box set, with dvd-a/brd or whatever of just the hq and 5.1 mixes of the albums bundled together? Or does that make too much sense????