Try setting your LFE/Bass out to front. That's what did it for me.
How would I do that? Set rears to small and front 3 to large? I assume that would send all bass freq to the fronts only? Or is there a different way?
Try setting your LFE/Bass out to front. That's what did it for me.
On my Yamaha, it's in the speaker setup menu. It gives you the choice of sending the LFE to the sub out, front, or both.
Listening again just now. Have tried setting my player to LPCM and switched back and forth from bitstream and it sounds identical to me. I've got all the DRC and all processing turned off on the amp so I can only assume the DolbyTrueHD is being decoded properly.
It's still bass light to me, especially compared to the stereo mix (which is also DolbyTrueHD so it can't be the container that's a problem). All my speakers are set to large (no sub currently).
Those with full range or larger rear speakers, is there mid/low bass coming from them? My rears are quite tiny, no sure exactly on how low they go but they are very small surround bookshelf speakers and that could be my problem. However, I'm still confused as to why the stereo has real grunt on my system (and my fronts only go down to around 52hz) yet on the surround the bass is there but has lost all power and depth. It's like a ghost of it's former self.
It still sounds great, just wish it had a bit more bite in the lower end. I shall have to revisit it once I upgrade my rears and/or get a sub. I assume if the LFE is quite low mixed, those with active subs can up the volume a tad to compensate?
You shouldnt when your speakers can handle low frequencies, but I was confused about your set up as you wrote about having your speakers set to large and a few post later you mentioned thisI think you are right here. But why should I take signals to my sub when my rear and center speakers can play them?
The xover is set to 80hz for my sub for all speakers.
I just checked the bluray audio menu it displays DD true HD Multichannel. but the receiver displays DTS and only the front L and R speakers are displayed. I set the receiver to surround decode, now it displays pro logic/DTS, and did hear some background vocals and keyboards in the rears but I don't think this is the right setting. I always set the receiver to straight mode.