Peter Gabriel I/O (2CD/Blu-Ray with Dolby Atmos mix out 12/1!)


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What a journey together, I'm kind of sad it's ending this week. It's been ages since a record hit me so hard emotionally. I vividly remember reading the first mail on Jan 5th. I was in the Three Wise Men parade in Madrid (very special event for children in Spain) with my son and wife and felt really excited for the record to come. Panopticom was on repeat mode in Apple Music in the next days and, and helped alleviating my dark mood. At that time my mum was already very sick and I thought any day could be her last. Music helped me stay sane during this year, with two artists being the most played: Bowie and Peter.
Somehow during these months when time was passing very slow and fast simultaneously, waiting for the full and new moon updates kept me attached to reality. Songs like So Much made me think about my own mortality, something unavoidable bearing in mind what I was going through.
Then my mum died and after a short period of calm and reconciliation, hell broke loose as my family all of a sudden went mad. I knew inheritance could change people, but I never thought it could change people you loved and respected your whole life so much. At the darkest time, Love Can Heal came, and you won't believe how much comfort it gave me.
And when And Still was released, I could not believe how related I was with Peter's feelings about her mother.
Hopefully having ended in a shameful and sorrowful way the inheritance stuff this past week, the topic that was doing the rounds in my head the most was forgiveness. I've been brutally hurted and despite of that I was thinking about the future and the possibility (or eventual need) to forgive.
A few minutes ago I started playing the last Full Moon update and I almost choked when Peter said the central subject of the call is precisely that: forgiveness. Citing Mandela and his words of forgiveness about being the path out of his own mental prison once more hit me very deeply.
This is why I'm embarrasing myself with this long and out of topic post, but I needed to share, in a cathartic way, how I/O and this 12 months journey made me feel.
Love and music can heal, or so I hope.
Thank you Peter Gabriel for such a soul touching record.
What a journey together, I'm kind of sad it's ending this week. It's been ages since a record hit me so hard emotionally. I vividly remember reading the first mail on Jan 5th. I was in the Three Wise Men parade in Madrid (very special event for children in Spain) with my son and wife and felt really excited for the record to come. Panopticom was on repeat mode in Apple Music in the next days and, and helped alleviating my dark mood. At that time my mum was already very sick and I thought any day could be her last. Music helped me stay sane during this year, with two artists being the most played: Bowie and Peter.
Somehow during these months when time was passing very slow and fast simultaneously, waiting for the full and new moon updates kept me attached to reality. Songs like So Much made me think about my own mortality, something unavoidable bearing in mind what I was going through.
Then my mum died and after a short period of calm and reconciliation, hell broke loose as my family all of a sudden went mad. I knew inheritance could change people, but I never thought it could change people you loved and respected your whole life so much. At the darkest time, Love Can Heal came, and you won't believe how much comfort it gave me.
And when And Still was released, I could not believe how related I was with Peter's feelings about her mother.
Hopefully having ended in a shameful and sorrowful way the inheritance stuff this past week, the topic that was doing the rounds in my head the most was forgiveness. I've been brutally hurted and despite of that I was thinking about the future and the possibility (or eventual need) to forgive.
A few minutes ago I started playing the last Full Moon update and I almost choked when Peter said the central subject of the call is precisely that: forgiveness. Citing Mandela and his words of forgiveness about being the path out of his own mental prison once more hit me very deeply.
This is why I'm embarrasing myself with this long and out of topic post, but I needed to share, in a cathartic way, how I/O and this 12 months journey made me feel.
Love and music can heal, or so I hope.
Thank you Peter Gabriel for such a soul touching record.

Well said. Even though my mom has been gone for more than twenty years and my dad almost four, Peter's new songs about love and loss still touched me deeply. It's a beautiful collection of songs. I saw Peter twice on the recent tour. I had seen the setlist before I went and noticed that he was playing pretty much the whole album every night. In recent years when I go to shows by older acts and they start to play new material, there is usually a mad rush to the bar. But at both shows I went to, the crowd was invested in the new songs. It was nice to see. (It was a similar situation on Tears For Fears' recent tour whose latest album also touched on much of the same). "Playing For Time" was especially emotional for me in concert. These lyrics really hit home:

Down, I’m getting it down
Sorting it out
So everything I care about
Is held in here
All of those I love inside
Everybody’s playing for time
You and I still playing for time

Thеre goes the sun
Back from whеre it came
The young move to the center
The mom and dad, the frame
Any space, any time
Any moment that we bring to life
Ridiculous, sublime

Oh, oh the moments come and go
While the memories ebb and flow
Play again, play again
Oh, there’s a hill that we must climb
Climb toward these mists of time
It’s all in here what we’ve been through

Down, getting it down
Sorting it out
So everything I care about
Is held in here
All of those I love inside
How did you find it? All my previous searches gave no results
i just typed "peter gabriel live and let live (in-side mix)" in the search option of apple music. yesterday i got no result while today i found it.
Just got my shipping notice 😀
Where did you order yours from? I ordered this from Rarewaves, but have heard nothing yet. Last week I received 2 orders from Rarewaves, the mahoosive Camel box and the Prince bluray. For the Camel I had a shipping e-mail on Tuesday and received Thursday, for the Prince I had no shipping e-mail and this arrived Friday (although I had completely forgotten that I'd ordered that one!).
What a journey together, I'm kind of sad it's ending this week. It's been ages since a record hit me so hard emotionally. I vividly remember reading the first mail on Jan 5th. I was in the Three Wise Men parade in Madrid (very special event for children in Spain) with my son and wife and felt really excited for the record to come. Panopticom was on repeat mode in Apple Music in the next days and, and helped alleviating my dark mood. At that time my mum was already very sick and I thought any day could be her last. Music helped me stay sane during this year, with two artists being the most played: Bowie and Peter.
Somehow during these months when time was passing very slow and fast simultaneously, waiting for the full and new moon updates kept me attached to reality. Songs like So Much made me think about my own mortality, something unavoidable bearing in mind what I was going through.
Then my mum died and after a short period of calm and reconciliation, hell broke loose as my family all of a sudden went mad. I knew inheritance could change people, but I never thought it could change people you loved and respected your whole life so much. At the darkest time, Love Can Heal came, and you won't believe how much comfort it gave me.
And when And Still was released, I could not believe how related I was with Peter's feelings about her mother.
Hopefully having ended in a shameful and sorrowful way the inheritance stuff this past week, the topic that was doing the rounds in my head the most was forgiveness. I've been brutally hurted and despite of that I was thinking about the future and the possibility (or eventual need) to forgive.
A few minutes ago I started playing the last Full Moon update and I almost choked when Peter said the central subject of the call is precisely that: forgiveness. Citing Mandela and his words of forgiveness about being the path out of his own mental prison once more hit me very deeply.
This is why I'm embarrasing myself with this long and out of topic post, but I needed to share, in a cathartic way, how I/O and this 12 months journey made me feel.
Love and music can heal, or so I hope.
Thank you Peter Gabriel for such a soul touching record.
Thanks for sharing your very personal story related to this album, man. Highly appreciated. That's what music is about. Keeping us alive. Making us humans.
Im on my first spin in stereo, going dark mix first then bright. Then I'm going to listen to the atmos mixes.
One thing that I noticed is that the album is not grouped into one, but onto singles, so it makes the experience not as fluent, or rather seamless as I would expect. Maybe once the release date hits the streets (dec 1st) it will be grouped? who knows.
Where did you order yours from? I ordered this from Rarewaves, but have heard nothing yet. Last week I received 2 orders from Rarewaves, the mahoosive Camel box and the Prince bluray. For the Camel I had a shipping e-mail on Tuesday and received Thursday, for the Prince I had no shipping e-mail and this arrived Friday (although I had completely forgotten that I'd ordered that one!).
I ordered mine from chalkys_uk on ebay