I think what a lot of people are ignoring is that, while the final cut is not necessarily the greatest pink floyd album, it's better than the best work of many lesser bands. It's not a slight to the other, better albums to have it in your collection. It does sound derivative of the wall, and that is because it is. The music video of the gunner's dream is incredible; the father of the slain serviceman is the same actor playing the teacher in the wall movie, and, the same character. This puts a deeper meaning on the interaction of a kid writing poems in class with no connection to reality because he lost his dad in a war and a teacher upset at him who lost a son in a war. Staying with that song, I have never heard a song where the end of a verse is exactly the same note and timbre as the beginning of an instrumental solo. Waters's voice bleeds right into the saxophone, and, later, you can, for several seconds, hear the scream at the end of one verse in the background as the next one starts. That's just the one track.
I think one of the reason's the final cut gets a lot of grief is that a lot of people don't like the wall, but they don't want to say that out of fear of mockery. It's like not liking the white album. Many people think that the peak of the band was somewhere around wish you were here, and the wall is tolerated due to its massive popularity, but it's not what a REAL FAN likes. They can't say that, because it's bollocks, but they can say it on the final cut because it's ok to hate on it.
While the wall is my favorite floyd album due to the story, and the themes, and the insane number of awesome guitar solos, I don't think it's their best album, and I would go with wish you were here for that one. Neither of those are the most commercially successful, so the normal listener does not agree with either of those statements and picks dark side of the moon.
I think the best recording of a concert was a quad project made from two stereo tape recordings of a 75 Boston Garden concert. It had the entire dark side of the moon album, early versions of shine on you crazy diamond with have a cigar in between, the two main songs of animals under their original names, and the encore was echoes with a saxophone. That's the best parts of arguably the best 4 albums.