QQ Media Player NUC Buyers Club - Discussion


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Do you know which skins supports this Gary?
Aeon Tajo does. I have a modded version of Estuary that does too. But this is Tajo in action. The little music notes to the left of the track denote that there is a video available. Moving left and clicking/selecting the note plays the youtube video, just selecting the text plays your library track.

Well when the boxset stuff got added into Kodi I found I could create a much better experience for my music, with different images for the discs and different covers as well. It was almost as good as the stuff on the shelf, it just didn't take up physical space as such.

What was missing though, as @humprof quite rightly points out, was the booklet that generally comes with a boxset. Until it was mentioned, I'd forgotten that I'd visited this area in the past. Kodi moves on quite quickly sometimes and one can easily get lost in a pile of information. But I digress.

I wanted to be able to do my shelf experience in Kodi so I scanned in some booklets to jpg and saved each image as booklet1, booklet2 etc. Because of the work of a couple of Kodi dev's, art in Kodi can be free-form. What that means for us as users is that if we have files named booklet1.jpg, booklet2.jpg etc etc in the same directory as an albums music files, then Kodi will add those files into its database when it scans the album.

Those files are then available to a skin (Kodi's GUI) when browsing that album via some skin properties. What all this means is that I was able to create a rudimentary window that displays those jpg files that I scanned. The "booklet" button only appears if an album actually has some booklet associated art.
For Queen - On Air, it looks like this.



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The window is quite large so that I can actually read the stuff! It's rudimentary though, two buttons to scroll left and right and 'esc' or 'back' to close it. It does show again the power of Kodi. You just need the idea and someone to implement it. Here this is done without any addon at all, I just baked it into my customised skin.

I did that back in 2019, but those screenshots are running that skin on a v22 alpha version built a couple of days back