Rhino Quadio Batch 5 for August 2024!


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Isn't crazy how things come full circle. I can remember in the mid to late 70's when I was a young man in my 20's how I was so excited to go down to the local Radio Shack and purchase a quad turntable, receiver, & 4 speakers. I had just a few quad vinyl albums: Ten Years After, Doobie Bros. , etc. Now here we are as a group almost 50 years after I first experienced quad that we are getting back into quad, 5.1, and dolby atmos. With every quadio batch release I relive that excitement I had back in my 20's!
Even knowing that quad could and probably would return someday on digital disc, I didn’t expect it to sound quite as good as it does. Maybe I wanted to keep expectations in check. Or I just thought many of the good mixed masters would be missing or the tapes had turned to rust flakes by now. When actually almost all of the really good ones are there in the vaults.

I’m liking the way these old tapes have retained their sparkle and they shine so nicely on good equipment. And they probably sound great on lower-end equipment as well.
I know there's individual posts for these releases but I'm curious about something else. For those of you that have picked up all the batches, how would you personally rank these against each other out of 100 -- based on audio quality & quad surround mixing prowess as to how well it suits the material (xxx/xxx)?

And bonus points if you know the mix engineer and can include that. I've marked the ones I know.

  • America
  • Average White Band
  • Black Sabbath (Mike Butcher)
  • Alice Cooper
  • Gil Evans
  • J. Geils Band (orig producer Bill Szymczyk)
  • Jefferson Starship
  • Gordon Lightfoot
  • Charles Mingus
  • Randy Newman
  • Spinners
  • War
By the way, I commented earlier that just by the fact that we're about to get a fifth batch means these are selling much better than anticipated. I ran across this little quip that kind of confirms this: reports from within Rhino Records are that sales of these new quad blu-rays (inititial batch w Paranoid) have been double what they forecasted. Apparently that trend has continued with the newer batch releases!
oh deffo Mister P.!! 🥳 for any QQers who haven't heard this one in Quad already, the mix is mind-melding!! 😵‍💫😄 Warners went out on a high for sure! 🙌🤩

One of my the best R&B quads of all time - my unpopular opinion is that it's a more enjoyable listen than the Sly & The Family Stone Greatest Hits quad.
Always wanted a 4ch R2R Deck back in the day , even though obtaining QR'S was a bit of a challenge, and that includes what was available which was rather small I thought anyways.
But I sure could've and would've sought out Reels that carried matrix encoded quad music . This last issue did not require a full QR , but nevertheless I could have been in a Reel club which did exchange QS , SQ , or H quad Reels.
Oh my wish have days gone by now.
Still mid 70's and up til late 80's cassettes we're definitely becoming high grade,
and the new popular music medium.
I wish I’d have grabbed a used Q8 deck and used cartridges I’d see at swap meets back in 1979-82. Even the cutout bins had new Q8s for $1.99. I could have grabbed a lot of rare ones and often still sealed tapes were seen. But this was a very lean period for me financially. A QR deck was way out of my wheelhouse. I bought lots of quad LPs instead. This kept me in the quadraphonic universe until DTS technology began the real resurrection of 4-channel home playback.
I'm sure it'll be a while before the batch duplicates artists, and maybe we'll see something like James Taylor Gorilla well before this... but I'd love to see Jefferson Starship Spitfire done as well. Had the big hit single WYL on it, but also great use of Moog and even ARP vs the more folksy RO...and would sound fantastic in Quadio.
One thing I knew even when I was 13 and 14 years old is that I wanted my quad to be discreet and very obvious 4-channel sounding. A matrix encode to be played back and have anything other than each speaker having its own program material was not going to cut it.

This expectation is met so well with quad mastered to DVD, SACD, and BR. And then when the sound quality tops the stereo mix like Red Octopus and Paranoid I’m really like so totally there.

Happy Monday!