Rhino Quadio Batch 5 for August 2024!


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I pulled the trigger without the code. 5 BDs delivered to my door for $105 is still a good deal, IMO. Amazingly, no sooner do I click on the Place Order button and the website shoots up this message...

Screen Shot 2024-07-25 at 11.12.02 PM.png

Luckily, I did receive an email with an order confirmation, so, I guess it's safe to ignore this. I don't know if the message was triggered because it wouldn't let me apply the discount code or the website just got hammered. Regardless, I'm thrilled to be "all in" on bundle #5, but it's always an adventure when dealing with the Rhino Store! :ROFLMAO::phones
Listening to Bread & Graham again on Qobuz/Roon. Bread album is better than I gave it before on a cursory listens. Reminds me of America, whose albums I always like. I guess I'm in a mellower mood early this AM than I was yesterday. I still think Baby is kind of sappy but the song I'm listening to now, Dream Lady, has some organ and a harder edge to it, which I do like.

And Graham is also better on repeated listenings. I can dig it.

I wasn't in the right mood earlier in the week when sample listening. My wife of 52 yrs has a serious medical situation that was diagnosed last Dec and her latest tests this week weren't great. Stressful. Outwardly I try to be OK but I think I'm internalizing it.

No sense in getting only 3 when I can get all 4 for same $$, I'll order the bundle later today. Music soothes the soul, especially in quad.
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Listening to Bread & Graham again on Qobuz/Roon. Bread album is better than I gave it before on a cursory listens. Reminds me of America, whose albums I always like. I guess I'm in a mellower mood early this AM than I was yesterday. I still think Baby is kind of sappy but the song I'm listening to now, Dream Lady, has some organ and a harder edge to it, which I do like.

And Graham is also better on repeated listenings. I can dig it.

I wasn't in the right mood earlier in the week when sample listening. My wife of 52 yrs has a serious medical situation that was diagnosed last Dec and her latest tests this week weren't great. Stressful. Outwardly I try to be OK but I think I'm internalizing it.

No sense in getting only 3 when I can get all 4 for same $$, I'll order the bundle later today. Music soothes the soul, especially in quad.
Best wishes to your wife for better days ahead. Thinking good thoughts for you. Rock on, brother.
Listening to Bread & Graham again on Qobuz/Roon. Bread album is better than I gave it before on a cursory listens. Reminds me of America, whose albums I always like. I guess I'm in a mellower mood early this AM than I was yesterday. I still think Baby is kind of sappy but the song I'm listening to now, Dream Lady, has some organ and a harder edge to it, which I do like.

And Graham is also better on repeated listenings. I can dig it.

I wasn't in the right mood earlier in the week when sample listening. My wife of 52 yrs has a serious medical situation that was diagnosed last Dec and her latest tests this week weren't great. Stressful. Outwardly I try to be OK but I think I'm internalizing it.

No sense in getting only 3 when I can get all 4 for you same $$, I'll order the bundle later today. Music soothes the soul, especially in quad.
Very sorry to hear your wife has a serious medical condition 🙁

I know only too well how tricky it is to handle medical issues...

Try to stay positive....this QQ site helps me to enjoy my life . The friendships, the banter, the knowledge and general great vibes... marvelous.☺️

Unfortunately, it's a fact of life that most of us ain't getting any younger.

But my grandchildren keep me young at heart .
Best wishes to your wife.
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I wasn't in the right mood earlier in the week when sample listening. My wife of 52 yrs has a serious medical situation that was diagnosed last Dec and her latest tests this week weren't great. Stressful. Outwardly I try to be OK but I think I'm internalizing it.

No sense in getting only 3 when I can get all 4 for same $$, I'll order the bundle later today. Music soothes the soul, especially in quad.

Prayers sent to your wife and yourself, as I know first hand how medical issues complicate life.

In for the bundle............