Ricky's Audio Video Barn Build Project


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We've had a heater element for weeks. It's been in the 90's F every day lately. Yesterday was 97 F (That's 36 C for you EU/UK folks)
We're having a heatwave in the UK this week, the peak where I live is forecast as 28C tomorrow. But remember our houses and infrastructure are built to assume cold weather is the problem, not hot weather eg overhangs on roofs are short so don't shade the windows. I'm one of the few people I know with air con at home, and it's invaluable in weather like this.
I’ve lived in the south. I don’t any more, and humidity is a big part of why.
speaking of heat and humidity

major T storm came through a little while ago. Its going to be days without power for some, we still have ours

92.8% With Power
1,717 Outages
140,369 Affected

Ive got a pretty good size branch down in front yard. Husqvarna time !!!!
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