Simply random stuff


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This is pretty random, just had an email from Dream Theater stating that Mike Portnoy has rejoined the band.
It has completely come out of the blue, it would appear that Mike Mangini has been sacked/paid off and I feel sorry for him.
I wonder if MP will bin off the other 4 or 5 bands he is in to concentrate on DT?
Frozen rain from last night under snow early this morning. Hate that stuff. Rather ALL snow. Have to go to town for a teeth cleaning appointment ordeal today.. oh yippee. So excited🙃
it won't stop... Images from yesterday..a bit more snow today....a great day for even more music than usual today...:p


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it won't stop... Images from yesterday..a bit more snow today....a great day for even more music than usual today...:p
Where I live with 4 distinct seasons when it's hot and humid it's like your expected, obligated, to be outside doing something . Even if you feel you're gonna sweat yourself to death. But when cold everyone has the mind set just stay inside & take it easy. Winter gives one the chance to self indulge with out guilt. I read all those posts from our forum friends that live in California, Florida, Texas and man I just couldn't do it. I could easily live somewhere consistently cooler but not warmer.

Freezing overnight temps here high in the low 40's. Freezing rain/sleet/snow mixture for tomorrow. Maybe, we'll see, cuz the local weather guessers barely know what the weather is right now. I know I'll be spending some quality time in the Bassment enjoying music & movies.
Where I live with 4 distinct seasons when it's hot and humid it's like your expected, obligated, to be outside doing something . Even if you feel you're gonna sweat yourself to death. But when cold everyone has the mind set just stay inside & take it easy. Winter gives one the chance to self indulge with out guilt. I read all those posts from our forum friends that live in California, Florida, Texas and man I just couldn't do it. I could easily live somewhere consistently cooler but not warmer.

Freezing overnight temps here high in the low 40's. Freezing rain/sleet/snow mixture for tomorrow. Maybe, we'll see, cuz the local weather guessers barely know what the weather is right now. I know I'll be spending some quality time in the Bassment enjoying music & movies.
I despise the heat and humidity . That's mostly when I'll be in the basement listening to music. Snow? That's the time for skiing and snowshoeing.

But rain/sleet/snow mix... 🤮
Where I live with 4 distinct seasons when it's hot and humid it's like your expected, obligated, to be outside doing something . Even if you feel you're gonna sweat yourself to death. But when cold everyone has the mind set just stay inside & take it easy. Winter gives one the chance to self indulge with out guilt. I read all those posts from our forum friends that live in California, Florida, Texas and man I just couldn't do it. I could easily live somewhere consistently cooler but not warmer.

Freezing overnight temps here high in the low 40's. Freezing rain/sleet/snow mixture for tomorrow. Maybe, we'll see, cuz the local weather guessers barely know what the weather is right now. I know I'll be spending some quality time in the Bassment enjoying music & movies.
We are mountain types... We do have family spread out all over the country, but mostly Tennessee, Texas, Missouri and a few in Ohio. A few have asked us to pic up and go.....but this is all we know, and have most all of our lives. Most of our closest are right here too. Don't handle hot/humidity all that well. Plus below zero temps will be soon..helps keep the riff raff out..👌 🙃 And.....I can dress for cold....but when it's too hot I'd get arrested for sure in those warmer states.. All that white hair and sweaty old naked bod.... ...scary.. Have a great weekend! ~Mike
Until this morning I had no idea Kiss the band ever had a feature film starring them:
Has anyone else heard of or watched this movie? Of course it got my curiosity up & I started to poke around looking for it to watch tonight. Bits and pieces of it on YT is all I found. And after seeing the trailer I also must say my curiosoity is satisfied enough:

sometimes i feel like reaching out and seeing if i can do a 5.1 mix of an album. but then i realize, especially with older titles, i don't really have the expertise to match reverb and everything exactly to the original. furthermore, in my experience, i probably won't get a response...
so i delegate it to pipe dreams...sometimes if I feel like it, I may do a mock-up cover to better visualize where things would go in 5.1...
Until this morning I had no idea Kiss the band ever had a feature film starring them:
Has anyone else heard of or watched this movie? Of course it got my curiosity up & I started to poke around looking for it to watch tonight. Bits and pieces of it on YT is all I found. And after seeing the trailer I also must say my curiosoity is satisfied enough:

I’ve seen it a couple of times. It’s hilariously awful. A few live in concert bits that only serve to ramp up the cheese factor. Only worth watching as a curiosity. The band themselves make fun of it in interviews.
Summer’s gone here in Idaho. A few days ago it was 80F, now it’s dipping into the 20s. Still preparing for winter, which includes picking up leaves (outside, of course), blowing out the irrigation, bringing in the patio furniture, etc.

It’s all fine if it’s not rainy or windy, but it’s both.
Sounds identical to here in central IL. We have a freeze warning for tonight, so spent yesterday dragging anything with liquid out of the garage for storage in our basement. Took down our patio umbrella, which has a large plastic base which I had filled with water....mowed the leaves (doesn't help to rake them yet as the city doesn't start pick-up until mid November)
Sounds identical to here in central IL. We have a freeze warning for tonight, so spent yesterday dragging anything with liquid out of the garage for storage in our basement. Took down our patio umbrella, which has a large plastic base which I had filled with water....mowed the leaves (doesn't help to rake them yet as the city doesn't start pick-up until mid November)
My wife uses leaves for mulch, so I blow and bag them. She also has a handful of semi-tropical plants in pots that need to be moved indoors and under lights. We’ve been tweaking the system for a few years, including getting an “accessible” threshold for the back door of the garage so we can roll the barrel cactus in.

We have a rain barrel that I drain, too. Last year, it froze then overflowed on to the walkway making it treacherous to walk past it. Now there’s a short hose going from it out to the yard that might be a minor hazard in itself.
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