Simply random stuff


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Mount Elbert (top) and Mount Massive from yesterday’s walk with my greyhounds.
Is the walk near/at your property? If yes, I cannot believe you have that view of Elbert. Good God.....
About 3 miles north of my house, on a trail near the Colorado Mountain College. My house is quite a bit closer to Elbert and Massive, but without the forest view. Here’s a shot from just after the snow last week from my deck (you can see the almost full moon setting at the right, and a couple of neighboring houses). Wide angle instead of the telephoto used in the shots I posted earlier. The sky can be impossibly blue at high altitude!

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About 3 miles north of my house, on a trail near the Colorado Mountain College. My house is quite a bit closer to Elbert and Massive, but without the forest view. Here’s a shot from just after the snow last week from my deck (you can see the almost full moon setting at the right, and a couple of neighboring houses). Wide angle instead of the telephoto used in the shots I posted earlier.

View attachment 98010
Simply stunning
Should I file my Little Richard cd under L or R??

I worked in a record store in the 1970s, and we filled in order of by last name. So, that would be in the “R” section. But, if you’re filling your collection for yourself at home, you put the disc where you’re most likely to remember where the heck is your title. And one could easily see it see it in the “L” section. Man, that’s a tough question. We do have a few members who own record stores here, you could ask them.

Edit: Yeah, personally I would say “L” section because the name is so iconic.
I worked in a record store in the 1970s, and we filled in order of by last name. So, that would be in the “R” section. But, if you’re filling your collection for yourself at home, you put the disc where you’re most likely to remember where the heck is your title. And one could easily see it see it in the “L” section. Man, that’s a tough question. We do have a few members who own record stores here, you could ask them.
Tough one indeed. I found it in the R section at HMV Carlisle earlier, but Richard isn't his surname. I'm torn 🤔
I'm old school, or maybe just my school. If it's "The" I file under "T". Although there are a virtual plethora of band names that start with "The" for sure.

You must have one heck of a T section!

Edit: nice to have a sub-alphabetical order within your alphabetical order though 👍
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Anybody remember Barry Levinson’s Diner (part of his Baltimore trilogy)? There’s a great scene where one of the men scolds his girlfriend about how to properly file his records. He found James Brown under the J’s, and in the Rock and Roll not the R&B section.

In exasperation he says “you wouldn’t file Charlie Parker under Rock and Roll would you?”. The reply of “who is Charlie Parker” gets an apoplectic reaction.
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