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at my dad's house this morning. picture does not show the real beauty and serenity. my dad - who was my hero - passed away unexpectedly on Christmas morning at the young age of 90. He was a United States Army Veteran, we had a full military honors burial yesterday

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So sorry for your loss.
At least he didn’t get ripped off on years.
at my dad's house this morning. picture does not show the real beauty and serenity. my dad - who was my hero - passed away unexpectedly on Christmas morning at the young age of 90. He was a United States Army Veteran, we had a full military honors burial yesterday

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I'm so sorry to hear this, Rick. Incredibly hard to lose a parent, especially one you so admire. My dad passed now, 2 years ago at 90. I often still have tears thinking about him.
I'm so sorry to hear this, Rick. Incredibly hard to lose a parent, especially one you so admire. My dad passed now, 2 years ago at 90. I often still have tears thinking about him.
Hi Gene
Thank you
I recall when your dad passed. I could not imagine the sadness you went through.
Now I can...............
at my dad's house this morning. picture does not show the real beauty and serenity. my dad - who was my hero - passed away unexpectedly on Christmas morning at the young age of 90. He was a United States Army Veteran, we had a full military honors burial yesterday

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Always sad to hear a fellow Vet has passed. My gratitude for his service, and my best wishes for you. Losing one's parent's is rough.
at my dad's house this morning. picture does not show the real beauty and serenity. my dad - who was my hero - passed away unexpectedly on Christmas morning at the young age of 90. He was a United States Army Veteran, we had a full military honors burial yesterday

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Sorry Ricky. A sincere thanks to him for his service to our country. His spirit will be pushing the Lions towards big things come next weekend.
at my dad's house this morning. picture does not show the real beauty and serenity. my dad - who was my hero - passed away unexpectedly on Christmas morning at the young age of 90. He was a United States Army Veteran, we had a full military honors burial yesterday

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Sorry to hear about your Dad, losing a parent is hard, made worse at Christmas.
at my dad's house this morning. picture does not show the real beauty and serenity. my dad - who was my hero - passed away unexpectedly on Christmas morning at the young age of 90. He was a United States Army Veteran, we had a full military honors burial yesterday

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My deepest condolences. I lost my dad about a year and a half ago at almost 98. He was a WWII vet, and the inspiration for much of my life. Losing someone as important as a parent on a holiday that shpuld be joyous is, I’m sure, especially hard.
Made the decision to take my music off of streaming. It serves me zero benefits.
Can’t say I blame you. I don’t know how most people in the music business make a living these days. I suspect that most are doing it as a side hustle, because making music won’t pay the bills. And we’ve seen how streamers send out those 10 cent checks quarterly.
One of my friends sent me a picture of his roommate's audio setup...
  • diffusion rear movie-only speakers for stereo
  • zero stereo width in placement
  • only has vinyl player
  • only listening to CD-quality cut vinyl (some of which are bootlegs)
The vinyl boom has had irredeemable consequences on the music enthusiast community.
EDIT: Now, all of this is moot because like most normal people he probably isn't an audiophile and I feel stupid.
One of my friends sent me a picture of his roommate's audio setup...
  • diffusion rear movie-only speakers for stereo
  • zero stereo width in placement
  • only has vinyl player
  • only listening to CD-quality cut vinyl (some of which are bootlegs)
The vinyl boom has had irredeemable consequences on the music enthusiast community.
EDIT: Now, all of this is moot because like most normal people he probably isn't an audiophile and I feel stupid.
Post the pic! Post the pic!