Simply random stuff


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I have spent time in Louisiana and met some nice folks there. Never lived there, though. You can get pretty rural if you want to.
Where I live in North Central Florida, the neighbors and I are all on 5 acre plots, though a few are subdivided now. There are 40 acres of pines behind me, and empty wooded 5 acre lot to my East. I have a neighbor in front and the road runs in front of their house, so I have a little cushion and a long driveway to the road.
My neighbors and I leave unattended woods between us as well for a little more "cushion".
But more and more people are moving up from South Florida, and the traffic in our little town 13 miles away is getting pretty bad. Our rural county is not going to be so rural one day. Of course people move in from out of State every day.
We have had 8 generations of Floridians in my family. I have seen the destruction of habitat and the beaches blocked with condos in my lifetime. Makes me sad.
Build on the beach, put up signs saying stay out. Then hurricanes come and wreck them and the insurance rates go up. Hardly seems right.
'Build on the beach, put up signs saying stay out. Then hurricanes come and wreck them and the insurance rates go up. Hardly seems right' Yup, a whole lot of movement everywhere. Not supposed to be political here... so I won't. The cushion of woods a good idea. 👌 My Dad was raised NE of Saint Petersburg
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'Build on the beach, put up signs saying stay out. Then hurricanes come and wreck them and the insurance rates go up. Hardly seems right' Yup, a whole lot of movement everywhere. Not supposed to be political here... so I won't. The cushion of woods a good idea. 👌 My Dad was raised NE of Saint Petersburg
Cool. I was raised in the Lakeland general area and was born there.
"so I jumped on the fence and yelled at the house, what gives you the right? Put up a fence to keep me out, and keep mother nature in"
-5 Man Electrical Band. that contacts were mentioned....after a very long time I integrated a 7.1 Zektor into my system last night!!! I'm quite pleased.

However, when I switch between different processors while playing, I get a significant pop out of the speaker(s). It does not do it everytime, but the majority.

Any thoughts or experience? Much appreciated.

On the bright side, it was extremely cool switching between the DPL II, QSD-1, Tate 101A on the fly.

I should have mentioned I could have asked the same question when previously using my cheap manual switches to do the same thing. Those caused the pop as well. I was hoping the Zektor would eliminate that for whatever reason.
The reason is that one processor was outputting a positive swing while the other one was outputting a negative swing. The voltage difference between them when you throw the switch is the pop.

I want the Image Orthicon tube!
I am not an intentional collector of anything unless I use the most general terms of music & movies. But even as a little kid I was fascinated by the vacuum tubes. Not necessarily building with or using them, but their intricate glass construction. A delicate assembly of electrode art. Photomultiplier tubes, beam power tetrodes, simple triodes and the best vacuum tube of all, the CRT.

Yes if I had enough determination, space to display & $$ to spare I would have a collection of CRT's & a bit of the other really cool tubes.

At any rate thanks for the link. That was some super fun stuff to look at & think about.
I want the Image Orthicon tube!
I am not an intentional collector of anything unless I use the most general terms of music & movies. But even as a little kid I was fascinated by the vacuum tubes. Not necessarily building with or using them, but their intricate glass construction. A delicate assembly of electrode art. Photomultiplier tubes, beam power tetrodes, simple triodes and the best vacuum tube of all, the CRT.

Yes if I had enough determination, space to display & $$ to spare I would have a collection of CRT's & a bit of the other really cool tubes.

At any rate thanks for the link. That was some super fun stuff to look at & think about.
Check out this guy’s oscilloscope and Nixie tube clock kits:

I’ve bought his circuit boards and parts, then was able to source mostly Russian CRTs. He often sells kits with CRTs and sometimes his assembled prototypes on Kickstarter. I keep intending to do my own PIC programming to do different displays.
Speaking of random stuff. Today, I'm fasting and only having an occasional warm broth. Why you say? My wife is having a you know what at 6am tomorrow and today she can't eat. So, I'm sharing her pain. lol
The last one, I asked the doctor for a cigarette after I 'woke'... A couple more months and I'm due again too.. You'd think after all the years of this method....there has GOT to be a better way! 🥳
And, I'm due for one in the next couple months.

I am lucky get mine every three years. Should schedule it soon. But lucky me I also get scoped from both ends.

Double your pleasure. Double your fun.


But after working in a physician's office I don't have much trepidation about medical procedures. The worst part of this is the prep. And then after it's over enjoy a nice triple cheeseburger.
I am lucky get mine every three years. Should schedule it soon. But lucky me I also get scoped from both ends.

Double your pleasure. Double your fun.

View attachment 100359

But after working in a physician's office I don't have much trepidation about medical procedures. The worst part of this is the prep. And then after it's over enjoy a nice triple cheeseburger.
I'm currently on the 10 year plan, but I'd be shocked if they don't wratchet it down to every 5 now that I'm over 60.
I did the mail in kit this year. lol. I know, hit or miss. But at least it's something.
yeah..60 now so yippee!!.... I feel even worse for those performing this thing. A really hairy, wrinkly thing with a hole in it..... maybe I should leave a sympathy gift certificate at a good restaurant for 'dealing' with me...