Simply random stuff


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Well I don't know how/where CSN&Y 4 Way Street LP was pressed, but I ended up buying 4 copies before I got a decent one.
How 'bout it, Atlantic Records?
Two actually had a "hump" in the vinyl that would cause an instant of distortion/or no clear sound until the needle found the groove, on the first track.
Abysmal. In the early 70's I found the best vinyl from UK/EU sellers. Where they were actually made I have no clue now.
It was rumored at the time that old stock, labels and all, were thrown back into the pot to melt down for new LP's. Sounds ludicrous, but some definitely sounded that way.
I had to take Eric Clapton's Slowhand back 3 times before I got a copy which wasn't warped, the warping was so bad the stylus jumped out of the grooves on all 3! I had an argument with the shop they stuck it on their 'Dansette' and said look it plays what's wrong with your player?! I'd a had a gift voucher from a Great Aunt for Xmas for Boots The Chemist, and the one in Cardiff where I was a student also sold LPs & Cassettes - I never bought an album from them ever again!
It was rumored at the time that old stock, labels and all, were thrown back into the pot to melt down for new LP's. Sounds ludicrous, but some definitely sounded that way.
My copy of “In-a-Gadda-da-Vida” has a piece of paper embedded in the grooves. It’s in a pretty noisy part of the song (but what part of the song isn’t?), and it doesn’t make the stylus skip, but if you know it’s there, you can certainly hear it.
How many people ended up with that off-center pressing of Days Of Future Past? The Moody Blues were sufficiently capable of wailing without needing further assistance from an off-center pressing.
The only noticeable off-center record I have is my 45 of “You Were on my Mind” by We Five. It definitely shows up in the final chord, which lasts about three or four revolutions, so there’s a slow tremolo that’s not in the original mix.

No way the CD/Blu-ray hybrid disc is real! Sony is unwilling to make them (despite it being in the Blu-ray spec) so I assume some other manufacturer did them. Or it could be a bootleg...

The ISBN returns zero hits on Google...
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Apparently normal people can't just listen to a song and immediately imagine what color or location it sounds like? I feel like I'm being messed with. There's no way. But then again, there are tons of people who can't imagine an apple spinning around in their head, so maybe I just have an active mind.
Synesthesia is a real thing. It’s not common in the general population but it’s not all that rare either. Laura Nyro had it, as does Billy Joel, for example. Whether or not we would call such people “normal” is a topic for debate. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to experience but that is true for a lot of experiences that I’ll never have. I can’t imagine what the experience of pregnancy and childbirth is like but we all know that it’s not rare.
Another reason to fear the demise of physical media. Once there is no other way but streaming, they can pretty much nickel and dime us wherever they want. I also get that they can play games with the prices of physical media as well, but once you pay the initial price they can't get any more out of you. (Well, until they come up with 8K and Atmos+ and we all buy it again). LOL
Wouldnt surprise me in the least from those mt suits filthy robbers
(is there an emoji for spitting ?)
(is there an emoji for spitting ?)
I don't know if the Mods would allow this one to be added, but it gets the point across:

Headed to the Evanston Public Library today to print off a mailing label for a QQ Comrade!
View attachment 102007

Hey Clement!
Most of us here know well the name of Ben Bauer, creator of the SQ quadraphonic system at CBS Technology. But look where he got his start:

"His career in industry began in 1936 as a University of Cincinnati co-op student engineer at Shure Brothers, Inc., a small firm in Evanston, Illinois, which manufactured acoustical devices."

I always thought of Shure as a Chicago co. but looks like in 1956 they moved to your town. Well anyway, I think that's all kinda cool.
You know, I've said something in the past that's really irked me. I said I have no musical influences in the interview.

That's not true. Everybody has musical influences. It's just whether you're trying to mimic aspects from them or not. For me it's more albums that have "opened" my eyes to new sounds, basically.

But, I do have musical influences. If I think hard enough, I can absolutely name albums that have fundamentally changed some musical aspect of me. So, I decided to make a spreadsheet to keep track. Maybe I'll share it. :)

EDIT: Oh man, 5 minutes into this spreadsheet and my actual influences diverge significantly from my musical taste. Did not expect that.
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