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Well, yes. In summer the AC set at 68 deg feels pretty damn good . And in winter the temp at 74 feels groovy. I should buy a NASA space suit to control this. Not sure about cutting the grass in NASA qualified couture.
I could SET my AC to 68 when it's in the 90's outide, but it will not get there.
Something I never figured out: my wife likes the inside temp 68 in the winter and 74 in the summer. Ah, another of life's mysteries.
Something I never figured out: my wife likes the inside temp 68 in the winter and 74 in the summer. Ah, another of life's mysteries.
That makes more sense to me than the other way around. Temperature is relative, so if it's 84°F outside, 74°F inside feels nice and cool. Conversely, if it's 58 outside, 68 inside feels nice and warm. 74 in the winter would feel waaaaaay too hot to me. There are also the energy savings, of course, from running both the A/C and the heater less frequently.
That makes more sense to me than the other way around. Temperature is relative, so if it's 84°F outside, 74°F inside feels nice and cool. Conversely, if it's 58 outside, 68 inside feels nice and warm. 74 in the winter would feel waaaaaay too hot to me. There are also the energy savings, of course, from running both the A/C and the heater less frequently.
I agree in general, but I spend a lot of time outside in the summer working on the property. I don't tolerate heat as well as I did in my 60's so 72 inside is about right for me. Actually 72 inside/outside all the time would be nice. lol.
That makes more sense to me than the other way around. Temperature is relative, so if it's 84°F outside, 74°F inside feels nice and cool. Conversely, if it's 58 outside, 68 inside feels nice and warm. 74 in the winter would feel waaaaaay too hot to me. There are also the energy savings, of course, from running both the A/C and the heater less frequently.
Back in the day....when I first moved to Florida..when it was 90 out I cranked up the day I went outside and as soon as that hot air hit me. I felt disoriented...too much of a temp difference...then in 2019 when I went up north to take care of my was much colder and my sister was cold all the time...she had the temp in the house at 80 and had a sweater on in June outside....again my body adjusted in those 4 years...
I never had A/C until 4 years ago, definitely getting hotter here in CA.
I have traveled a lot in Florida and the south and always love eating at Waffle House, but dang they keep the inside of those restaurants like a refrigerator to the point your food gets cold before you can finish it.
It's not the frigid air that's frozen your ice tea to a solid so that your spoon sticks straight up -- it's the sugar content.
I never had A/C until 4 years ago, definitely getting hotter here in CA.
I have traveled a lot in Florida and the south and always love eating at Waffle House, but dang they keep the inside of those restaurants like a refrigerator to the point your food gets cold before you can finish it.
That's not unusual for the south. Some people act like 65 degrees is their right.
My circuitry is coming back online, DAVE. Thanks for asking. Would you like to play a game of chess?

If not, I'll sing a song for you:

"Daisy, Dai syy telllll meeeee yyyy yyy o uuuuuuuu rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r. . . ."
LOL I just happened to watch that movie earlier today. It had been a while since I watched it.