Simply random stuff


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There’s a reason I no longer live in the south. Well, several, actually.
@mandrix there are only three things I don’t like about Florida:
- summer heat
- summer humidity
- bugs

Those, as opposed to the only three things I don’t like about New Jersey, which are:
- summer heat
- summer humidity
- bugs

You see, the NJ bugs simply move indoors when the weather gets cold.

While I can’t say I grew up in the south, I did live there for a while when I was a kid, and spent the better part of this century living in Virginia.

And no, it’s not a diatribe against southerners. Just some of them. I’ve been in houses (and cars) where you could see your breath and it was over 90 outside. And don’t even think of asking them to turn back the A/C.
Lordy, my AC won't get that cold. We've had days this summer where we had to close the curtains early in the morning 'else it would not get below 80.
I have a "3 ton" heat pump, that's our heating and cooling. I wanted a 3.5 or 4 ton but they said it would be overkill and cause moisture buildup in the walls.

I just had the AC fixed in the Jeep this year, new compressor, condensor, and it still won't get real cold inside, just barely comfortable.

Already I've been outside working for an hour, nothing physically taxing, and I'm sitting in the house for about 10 minutes and sweat is still soaking my shirt. Maybe it's an old person thing. IDK. :unsure:
Apologies to Sonic Wiz, don't know why/how I tagged you
Can't figure out how to remove

All this talk about temps reminded me of my last 8yrs of my working career. I was a maintenance tech for a large Pharmaceutical Co on a 100 acre site w/50+ buildings.
Heat goes out in an office building when outside temps in the teens. People complaining 🙄, when inside the building is in the 60's with all the bodies (I carried a temp gun for troubleshooting steam systems)
So, Iam on the roof in knee deep snow, inside a air handler that's 20 degrees with the foreman asking over the radio, When the heat coming back on?😂Over and over.....till I said, I'll never figure out the problem if I have to keep answering the radio! Another trip to HR

Yeah, don't miss that crap
Already I've been outside working for an hour, nothing physically taxing, and I'm sitting in the house for about 10 minutes and sweat is still soaking my shirt. Maybe it's an old person thing. IDK. :unsure:

Since I turn 71, in 2 weeks, I know exactly what your saying.
BUT, since my accident/ Physical therapy, I know everyday is a blessing. So I try, very unsuccessfully I might add, to keep the complaining to a minimum 😂🤣😂
Since I turn 71, in 2 weeks, I know exactly what your saying.
BUT, since my accident/ Physical therapy, I know everyday is a blessing. So I try, very unsuccessfully I might add, to keep the complaining to a minimum 😂🤣😂
Well I certainly hope you're getting better every day. I know it can be rough...hang in there.
Lordy, my AC won't get that cold. We've had days this summer where we had to close the curtains early in the morning 'else it would not get below 80.
I have a "3 ton" heat pump, that's our heating and cooling. I wanted a 3.5 or 4 ton but they said it would be overkill and cause moisture buildup in the walls.

I just had the AC fixed in the Jeep this year, new compressor, condensor, and it still won't get real cold inside, just barely comfortable.

Already I've been outside working for an hour, nothing physically taxing, and I'm sitting in the house for about 10 minutes and sweat is still soaking my shirt. Maybe it's an old person thing. IDK. :unsure:
I just had a new central AC unit installed the old one was from 1982,now with the Florida heat I can keep it at 77 which was pushing it with the old one.
Pretty much my last living old friend, who is 80, just spent a month in the hospital after a hip replacement. Got to be rough. I was out in two days after mine, but I was a fair bit younger than him in 2017.

They sent me home the next day in 2022. Week 1 walker / Week 2 cane (attended 2 concerts) / Week 3 PT cane was retired. Really helped my mobility.
@mandrix there are only three things I don’t like about Florida:
- summer heat
- summer humidity
- bugs

Those, as opposed to the only three things I don’t like about New Jersey, which are:
- summer heat
- summer humidity
- bugs

You see, the NJ bugs simply move indoors when the weather gets cold.

Here in Idaho, we get a little snow in the winter - maybe four times we get a couple of inches. Last winter was a mess, we had one snowfall of about 8". In Virginia, we usually got three or four snowfalls of over a foot.

In the summer, it gets hot, but it's dry, and bugs are limited to occasional fly days and a few grasshoppers. It's not that we're bug-free, but nothing like the mosquitos we had back east.

And, of course, the cost of living hasn't caught up with DC yet. Which means I could afford barfle's bonus room bijou.
Lordy, my AC won't get that cold. We've had days this summer where we had to close the curtains early in the morning 'else it would not get below 80.
I have a "3 ton" heat pump, that's our heating and cooling. I wanted a 3.5 or 4 ton but they said it would be overkill and cause moisture buildup in the walls.

I just had the AC fixed in the Jeep this year, new compressor, condensor, and it still won't get real cold inside, just barely comfortable.

Already I've been outside working for an hour, nothing physically taxing, and I'm sitting in the house for about 10 minutes and sweat is still soaking my shirt. Maybe it's an old person thing. IDK. :unsure:
I never bothered trying to figure out how they were able to get it down in the 40s - fifty degrees below the outside temperature. But that's how they lived. I never understood it.

I've often noted that I'd much rather sweat than shiver. Some folks are different than that.
Apologies to Sonic Wiz, don't know why/how I tagged you
Can't figure out how to remove

All this talk about temps reminded me of my last 8yrs of my working career. I was a maintenance tech for a large Pharmaceutical Co on a 100 acre site w/50+ buildings.
Heat goes out in an office building when outside temps in the teens. People complaining 🙄, when inside the building is in the 60's with all the bodies (I carried a temp gun for troubleshooting steam systems)
So, Iam on the roof in knee deep snow, inside a air handler that's 20 degrees with the foreman asking over the radio, When the heat coming back on?😂Over and over.....till I said, I'll never figure out the problem if I have to keep answering the radio! Another trip to HR

Yeah, don't miss that crap
I can't count the hours that bosses have wasted of my time wanting hourly progress reports. Been retired almost ten years now. It's working out fine.
When I was in R&D at the GE battery plant, my boss's rotated amongst several PhD's. In the last few years my boss was a fellow from China. Well, I used to set my own hours and he was a late to work/leave early sort of guy. He had me before our Manager, wanting me to come in at 8 and leave at 4:30. I was coming in at 5:30 AM and leaving 8 1/2 hours later. Our manager asked why I wanted to keep those hours, and I explained I drove 75 miles to work, and it saved me an hour a day on I-75.
So we compromised on 6 AM start. lol.

After that my new boss spent a day shadowing me and watching my work, asking questions about everything I did. I of course demonstrated and explained in detail, since my testing methods were mostly devised by myself. After that we never had any problems. I would frequently get caught up and take a half day's vacation most Friday's with his permission.
The funny thing was, our Manager was always coming to me asking where my boss was. Well he was prone to take very long lunch breaks so all I could say was I had no idea. lol. Eventually they fired him a few months before the plant shut down....because the Chinese could make the products cheaper than we could.

I never bothered trying to figure out how they were able to get it down in the 40s - fifty degrees below the outside temperature. But that's how they lived. I never understood it.

I've often noted that I'd much rather sweat than shiver. Some folks are different than that.
Wow. That's way too much even for me. On the few days I ask my wife to turn it down to 72, she puts on a flannel shirt. But that's on days in the high 90's, and I'm in for a short time to cool down then back to work on the property damage cleanup from the two hurricanes. Now we're having (relatively) cooler days and 74 is fine with me inside.
I always open my shop's big door in the mornings and turn on a fan at the opposite end in front of a window. Gives me a place to go to cool down a little, even if the temp inside is 90 but with a breeze from the fan. lol.
They sent me home the next day in 2022. Week 1 walker / Week 2 cane (attended 2 concerts) / Week 3 PT cane was retired. Really helped my mobility.
I use a cane to help me walk in public. I always want to get done as quickly as possible and get back to my woods, and the cane helps me move faster on asphalt and concrete. Sometimes on bad days I use it at home.
My right hip replacement was always problematic. I had a lot of groin pain for months after the surgery. I just toughed it out, and I still get pain in the right hip though nothing approaching pre-surgery.
Damn we're a bunch of old farts. lol.