Simply random stuff


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@mandrix there are only three things I don’t like about Florida:
- summer heat
- summer humidity
- bugs

Those, as opposed to the only three things I don’t like about New Jersey, which are:
- summer heat
- summer humidity
- bugs

You see, the NJ bugs simply move indoors when the weather gets cold.

Things I like about Florida.....Weather....No State Income Tax....Women in shorts/or less...most of the year :cool:
Things I like about Florida.....Weather....No State Income Tax....Women in shorts/or less...most of the year :cool:
Amen. I've noticed women's shorts are, uh, really short now. I guess I can live with it. :)
Though no one is going to be looking at me I wear shorts year round. I have two pairs of jeans. Well if I do get looks it's usually my long white beard. lol.
Here in Idaho, we get a little snow in the winter - maybe four times we get a couple of inches. Last winter was a mess, we had one snowfall of about 8". In Virginia, we usually got three or four snowfalls of over a foot.

In the summer, it gets hot, but it's dry, and bugs are limited to occasional fly days and a few grasshoppers. It's not that we're bug-free, but nothing like the mosquitos we had back east.

And, of course, the cost of living hasn't caught up with DC yet. Which means I could afford barfle's bonus room bijou.
So I have a friend in northern Idaho. Where he is, any mail deliveries that won't fit in the mailbox, he has to go to town to pick them up. That would royally piss me off.
He complained in the Post Office and was actually told that they get paid to deliver mail, not packages. :rolleyes: Of course that's not what the USPS site says.
At Minnehaha Falls


When I was in R&D at the GE battery plant, my boss's rotated amongst several PhD's. In the last few years my boss was a fellow from China. Well, I used to set my own hours and he was a late to work/leave early sort of guy. He had me before our Manager, wanting me to come in at 8 and leave at 4:30. I was coming in at 5:30 AM and leaving 8 1/2 hours later. Our manager asked why I wanted to keep those hours, and I explained I drove 75 miles to work, and it saved me an hour a day on I-75.
So we compromised on 6 AM start. lol.

After that my new boss spent a day shadowing me and watching my work, asking questions about everything I did. I of course demonstrated and explained in detail, since my testing methods were mostly devised by myself. After that we never had any problems. I would frequently get caught up and take a half day's vacation most Friday's with his permission.
The funny thing was, our Manager was always coming to me asking where my boss was. Well he was prone to take very long lunch breaks so all I could say was I had no idea. lol. Eventually they fired him a few months before the plant shut down....because the Chinese could make the products cheaper than we could.

On my last job, which was “maintaining” about 100 video conference rooms in a federal facility, the on-site people generally gave me free rein, because I would report the semi-serious issues that required intervention from time to time. So they knew I was on the job and just let me find and fix.

The systems were poorly designed and even worse installed. I was part of the installation crew and I could see plenty of design issues even before powering things up. Some of those guys would only figure out which end of a soldering iron to pick up after the fourth try.

I said the thing about my job that I loved was that it was so easy to make things better, but the part I hated was that it was so hard to make them good.
So I have a friend in northern Idaho. Where he is, any mail deliveries that won't fit in the mailbox, he has to go to town to pick them up. That would royally piss me off.
He complained in the Post Office and was actually told that they get paid to deliver mail, not packages. :rolleyes: Of course that's not what the USPS site says.
I don’t know what’s going on with our post office. Most people around here are very nice, but the office staff in the USPO are the most sullen bunch I’ve run across since basic training.

But if a package doesn’t fit in the box, they put it on my porch.

I mentioned a “heavy” snowfall we had last winter. The snow from the street ended up getting piled in front of the mailboxes (not mine, damnit!) and the USPS was only delivering packages to porches.
Some of those guys would only figure out which end of a soldering iron to pick up after the fourth try.
Oh, the imagery! 99.9% of people should figure this out the first time they pick up the wrong end of a soldering iron. Ditto with the proper location to put one’s fingers when replacing an Xacto blade. 🤕
@mandrix there are only three things I don’t like about Florida:
- summer heat
- summer humidity
- bugs

Those, as opposed to the only three things I don’t like about New Jersey, which are:
- summer heat
- summer humidity
- bugs

You see, the NJ bugs simply move indoors when the weather gets cold.


And here I thought I was the only person that moved from Fla to NJ. Born and raised in Tampa, but traveled up and down the east coast for jobs. After 12 yrs of working in NJ, with the outlook for continuing work, I bought a home.
Yeah it gets hot during the summer, this summer heat index over 100 for 3 days in a row, reminded me that I can't live in Fla again.
There are alot of things I don't like about NJ, but having 4 seasons of weather I enjoy very much is at the top of things I like, plus I belong to a truck racing club and 2 motorcycle clubs that I enjoy very much....... Too old to be making new friends any place, as the people I once knew are probably long gone or I have nothing in common any more with them.
Plus at my age now, I don't want to go thru the hassle of expense, packing up and moving, to only reach the end of my life. So Iam staying put, Spotted Lanternfly be damned
When I was in R&D at the GE battery plant, my boss's rotated amongst several PhD's. In the last few years my boss was a fellow from China. Well, I used to set my own hours and he was a late to work/leave early sort of guy. He had me before our Manager, wanting me to come in at 8 and leave at 4:30. I was coming in at 5:30 AM and leaving 8 1/2 hours later. Our manager asked why I wanted to keep those hours, and I explained I drove 75 miles to work, and it saved me an hour a day on I-75.
So we compromised on 6 AM start. lol.

After that my new boss spent a day shadowing me and watching my work, asking questions about everything I did. I of course demonstrated and explained in detail, since my testing methods were mostly devised by myself. After that we never had any problems. I would frequently get caught up and take a half day's vacation most Friday's with his permission.
The funny thing was, our Manager was always coming to me asking where my boss was. Well he was prone to take very long lunch breaks so all I could say was I had no idea. lol. Eventually they fired him a few months before the plant shut down....because the Chinese could make the products cheaper than we could.


Different field, but same experience.
My coworkers and I, were sure there use to be a circus that traveled the country, teaching management how to treat the employees like shit and still to expect quantity and quality work from them. Their catch phrase was, "More with Less". And being a BIG Fortune 500 company, some employees knew if they played hide and seek all day, nothing would be said. The workload just got funneled down to those with a work etiquette, sure don't miss it. Retired 12 yrs ago, enjoying doing nothing now :ROFLMAO:
When I was an apprentice, many years ago the saying was, "You catch more flies with honey than salt", and that still applies 50 yrs later

Speaking of lunches.....I was a welder in a fab shop and the longest employed welder there, so I had a good rapport with management.
Anyway back to lunches, a group of 10 of us would pile into a guys van for a 30 min lunch break. I would get a sandwich and have a couple beers, while this one guy would slam down 4 Long Island Ice Teas. He would be plastered by 1, and his welds showed it. The foreman comes up to me and ask whats going on with ______ welds? I replied, What do you mean and he replies his welds look okay in the morning but after lunch they turn to :poop:! I replied Iam looking thru a welding hood all afternoon, so IDK, but he knew....LOL
And yeah, he was the first one laid off, but we always wondered how he drove home at 3 in the afternoon, as he lived over an hour away
I just thought of that while reading your post.......Its an old age thing, Now trying to remember what I was doing prior to reading the forums